I'm a relatively fit just turned 60 yo. I cycle 5.5m to & from work every day & swim a mile once a week. Diet is pretty good, non-smoker but I do drink more that the recommended guidance. My BP has been averaging 144 / 90 for the last 12 months & my GP has recommended Amlodipine at 5mg daily - primarily due to both my late father (died aged 91 / not heart related) & my 65 yo brother were / are on BP meds. My brother has also had a couple of stents & a double valve replacement over the last 10 years or so. My question is simple - do I really need to start taking these BP meds ?
Amlodipine - Y or N ?: I'm a relatively... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Amlodipine - Y or N ?

This forum is primarily for people with atrial fibrillation wwhich you do not mention. hilst almodopine is a clcium channel blocker sometimes used for BP control in AF we are not medically trained so should not advise. Why not look at HUL's Hypertension forum.
I was in this situation for 3 years about the same blood pressure as you they kept an eye on it , but during my consultation at cardio it went up tom165 / 95 , he told doc to put me on ramapril , but I was getting severe headaches at that time too & light headed a lot ,,, best keep eye on it at docs , take them if they help lower it ,,,,you are on border line hypertension,
I think your questions re to take or not take drugs is always best answered by your physician, not any group of people who are not professionally trained. If you question your docs answer, see another doc. Certain medical issues such as blood pressure can have unforgiving consequences if you “ guess” wrong. Im a huge believer in healthy life style and to give your body its best chance to fix itself if possible. Congrats on all your healthy choices. But high bp is like rust on your car. If you dont fix it, it never gets better. Maybe consider taking the meds while you continue working on healthy life changes. If you havent already, buy yourself a digital bp machine and check your own bp a few times a week. Often in Dr office numbers are higher . Sometimes our body just needs some help, ie meds. Sorry for the soapbox lecture.. Im an old nurse... cant stop myself😉😂😇
Look at Sanjay Gupta video on YouTube about moderate hypertension, and the impact of taking drugs based on evidence. He makes the case that for moderate hypertension such as 140 / 90 the evidence is that drugs does not have a positive impact on life expectancy, in fact the converse, the side effects from drugs has a negative impact.
Please, please check out video and don’t take my word.