1. Shall I reduce my Flecainide down to 100 mg per day? Answer = why its working isn’t it.
2. Why have I got cold feet while on Flecainide? Answer = no idea but different drugs affect people differently
3. What do you think about taking magnesium? Answer = personally apart from one type of arrhythmia don’t think it makes much difference
4. Why have I got 10% ectopics at the moment? Answer = don’t know you just have and unless they are troublesome they won’t do you any harm.
5. I did get my own back though because I like him so much and so respect him I feel 100% confident in his skill so much so I was so not stressed which meant despite repeated efforts he couldn’t catch an ectopic on the ECG.
6. He did say that he is shortly off to a conference where more new advances are being unveiled in treating AF which is great news with some exciting developments.
7. Only wish everyone had someone has urbane, funny and clever as my Cardiologist. You come away from a meeting with him definitely feeling this curse is more of a molehill than a mountain.
8. A curry with mates and some low alcohol beer this evening beckons.