Hi all, I have been in constant AF for just over 2 years now, I am on 5mg bisoprolol twice per day (total 10mg daily) and feel extremely lethargic, with brain fog. docs are trying to sort out, these things just take time. Does anyone else have issues with bisoprolol and can anyone suggest an alternative before I go back to see my EP at beginning of feb. Thanks
Bisoprolol query: Hi all, I have been... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Bisoprolol query

I had problems with fatigue and lethargy on Bisoprolol and eventually got changed to Nebivolol, which was much better for me.
I took only 1.25mg of Bisoprolol and it was really debilitating. Now on 2.5mg Nebivolol for the last 18 months and feel much more alive.
hi Finvola, thanks for your reply, I will discuss the meds on my next appointment.
I tried Nebivolol for 2 months this summer and it didn’t work. I had terrible AF runs at night. Now I’m trying Bisoprolol for the last two weeks. For the first week it was great, at 10mg per my doctor’s orders. But now it’s killing me. The slow heart rate and the palpitations are extreme.
That’s a misery for you - it may take time to get used to it but with the slow heart rate, I would be inclined to have my doc check it out if things don’t settle down soon. There are alternatives to beta blockers which might be suitable. Best wishes.
Yes! I had to go on a lower dose - couldn't cope on anything above 1.25mg x2 a day. Felt very tired, legs like lead & heavy feeling in chest. After a lot of trial & error on differenf meds over the years cardiologist changed meds to Diltiazam & Digoxin - no side effects. Everyone as you will see from the posts react differently. Let us know how you get on.
hi Gowers, thanks for your reply. I am also on diltiazem along with bisoprolol and warfarin so once discussed with doc he may go along that route. will let you know the outcome after my appointment. noted everyone reacts different and know this may take some time to resolve.
I was a total zombie on 12.5mg a day. with my EP looking after me it was slowly reduced to 2.5 mg, still felt tired but could at least stay awake to see the early evening news!
I'm off the stuff all together now, and it is a real blessing

hi Mikee69, thanks for your reply. great to hear you are off bisoprolol. I don't think I will be off all my meds anytime soon but at least this can be discussed on my next appointment.

Hi Mikee69, Great that you are off Meds, was due to having an ablation if you don't mind me asking? I was taken off meds after my first ablation but had to have a second ablation recently and am now on Bisoprolol , but I am hoping I can also be off betablockers at least after 6 months. Many thanks Max
It was several months after my ablation. I had a holter monitor and it showed that my HR was in the low 30s when sleeping, too low!!

That is really helpful info as my HR is dipping to early 40s when I take my BP first thing and also my BP is as low as 100/62, my normal is 128/80 , time to have a word with my doctor I think. Thanks again, Max

How did the Ablation go for you? My doctor is recommending that strongly for me now. 54 yo male who has had SVT Arrythmia for 10 years. I’ve tried metroprlol, Nebivalol, a calcium blocker and now Bisoprolol. They all work for a while then they stop working. Should I take the risks and have the ablation?
Great, no issues really.
Mine was done under general anesthesia so I woke up with a sore throat as I was intubated.
Recovery was ok, but I was surprised how long it took to get back to pre ablation fitness (about 3 months)
I have some svt and palpations now and then, usually when I'm stressed which with an autistic daughter is most of the time.
But it was the best decision I made even though I nearly got off the trolley in the cath lab because I was so scared
I had really bad side effects with Bisoprolol, and was very relieved when they all stopped once I came off it, (after nearly two years!)
hi Staffsgirl, thanks for your reply. what were your side effects ? glad to hear you are no longer on bisoprolol.
Breathlessness, extreme tiredness, but, worst of all, excruciating limb pains, (mostly overnight).
I was on 6.25mg of Bisoprolol, it was dreadfull, could only walk 200 metres and had severe chest pain. I was switched to Diltiazam & Digoxin and felt much better in a couple of days.
Now can walk 6 or 7 mikes in a day, albeit slowly as in permanent AF, but hoping for an ablation soon.
All the best
hi Yachtsman, thanks for your reply. I am also on diltiazem along with bisoprolol and warfarin. they added the diltiazem as I am on such a high dose of bisoprolol, but this was a year or so ago, so it could be that the docs relook at this altogether.
I don't get chest pains but cant walk distances every day as I get exhausted, even though it feels like I am being lazy, I just cant keep going. I dread going anywhere I don't know as I loose my breath going up stairs, and any slight inclines in the pavements I struggle to keep going and have to stop many times to catch my breath. hopefully the docs can understand all this and advise better meds.
I was on 2 .5mg bisoprolol twice a day. I was tired and lethargic and if I sat down in the afternoon I would doze off. I was also quite. Breathless when walking. I changed to Nevibolol a few months ago and can now stay awake all day and walk up a hill and talk at the same time. Also my episodes of AF have reduced by more than 60%. I think, for me, bisoprolol was causing more problems than it was fixing.
It is worth talking to your cardiologist about changing meds. Mine tried to put me off saying that Nevibolol is not as effective in controlling AF, but I pushed for the change and have proved him wrong.
The only think I do find is that if I do get AF my heart rate is much faster, so I now have 1.25mg of bisoprolol and 50mg Flecaineide as a PIP.
hi Mrsvemb, I don't doze off but am always breathless on excertion like walking up stairs / inclines. I will mention the nevibolol next time I see the doc.
what is a PIP ?
I have been prescribed Nebivolol. Did you stop Bisoprolol and start Nebivolol on the same day? Many thanks.
Nebivolol gave me those same intense af episodes so I had to stop after trying for 2 month. Now I’m on 10mg per day Bisoprolol bit it’s making my heart rate too slow
Yes when I tried to switch to Nebibilol I made the attempt for about 7 weeks. And every evening at about the same time Iwould have these runs of AFIB and they were faster than they've ever been on Metoprolol for about 4 years before. so then i switched back to Meto and then about a month ago or 3 weeks ago i was put on Bisoprolol. my heart rate is really slow and it hurts sometimes bc it's so slow. I also still get runs but they're more manageble. I'm trying to get up the nerve to go through with the ableation procedure. I'm 54.
I felt like I was dragging a concrete weight around and fortunately my cardiologist recomended that I reduce and eventually stop taking bisoprolol daily. I carry it as a "pill in pocket" and I was advice it will be absorbed within 30 mins should my heart decide to race. My rhb with bisoprolol was 40's to 50'sand now 60's to 70's. Far more normal in fact I feel fine, I can walk at normal brisk pace and climb stairs OK, just taking apixaban no further problems since my first in August.
hi Mikededent, thanks for the reply. I do wish I could walk at a brisk pace and climb stairs. I will monitor my resting heart rate for the rest of this month as a note for the doc when I see him at the beginning of feb. I feel there are a lot of things going on with me a the same time with constant AF etc, I know I need to be kept in a safe zone in relation to my heart rate, as I have already had 2 strokes resulting in total loss of left vision, but need more medical input to make sense of this even though all this started over 3 years ago.
I was having probs with bisoprolol and was changed to Carvedilol...not sure if it's any better. Fed up with going to gp to ask for changes in meds. Anyone got anything to report about Carvedilol?
I too have recently started on Biso and yes it feels like I'm tied to the house dragging it with me. Totally exhausted .
I see some people have switched to;
Nebivolol is a beta blocker used to treat high blood pressure and heart failure. As with other β-blockers, it is generally a less preferred treatment for high blood pressure. It may be used by itself or with other blood pressure medication.