Hi all,
I feel like a hypochondriac at the moment, but I assure you I’m not!
After suffering BPPV earlier this week, I’ve been feeling vibrations in my chest and muscles for the last couple of months, but it’s only when I wake up, whether that be in the morning or after a nap. They soon subside upon waking, but after the BPPV I feel like I’m trembling all over from the waist up. My hands are trembling as I write this. I have a neurologist appointment in a week or so.
But just now I’m at my son’s Tae Kwon Do class talking to someone and suddenly I had AF kick in like I’ve not experienced since the ablation a year and a half ago.
Fortunately, it only lasted 20 seconds, but could feel it my neck and my heart was flip flopping like crazy and the lady I was talking to at the time recognised something was happening to me as she’s an Intensive Care nurse. I felt this intense hot flash afterwards and had to sit down. Took my EKG and it was in NSR and in the low 70’s but now I’ve got really bad reflux and just want to lie down!
Clearly the ablation is doing something as it arrested the AF, but the fact it’s trying to do it is disheartening.
I emailed the Arrythmia nurses again for the 3rd time and called left yet another message with no reply, so I’ve left a voicemail for my EP’s secretary explaining the situation. I’m hoping they’ll get back to me after the weekend!
So frustrated and down now as my mother in law had the kids all weekend and we were meant to go out tonight. Now all I want to do is go to bed! I feel like I’m falling apart at 42!
Sorry for the moaning, just feel down now. My job is at risk if this comes back, so I have more than my health to lose.