I’m 65, had my 1st AF 2 years ago mid triathlon 500 miles east of Moscow - Russian Cardio Intensive Care was really quite good! I had cryo-ablation 3 weeks ago and no AF since so far. I’ve been walking only and want to do everything I can to optimise recovery and not getting AF again. Does anyone have any experience of getting back to sport, advice and what to expect? Will doing what probably brought it on before, bring it back? Nb I’ve only ever done short triathlons, up to 3 hours long.
Getting back to sport after ablation ... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Getting back to sport after ablation (and AF hopefully)

Good Morning - glad to hear all went well with the procedure and it sounds great that you are already thinking about returning to exercise. Please remember it is still very early days and try not to push yourself too soon. You may find the 'Recovering from an Ablation' factsheet \ 'A F Fact File' helpful? they are both available to download online: heartrhythmalliance.org/afa.... You should also join us for our “Virtual’ HRC2021 A F Association Patients Day 2021 - due to be launched online from Sunday 3rd October at 10.00am - To view the full Agenda and details on how to Register – heartrhythmalliance.org/afa...

Gneral advice to start with is make sure you can walk and talk at the same time.
Re the reasons for AF, yes probably. Life style modification is probably one of the most important things with AF be it weight loss or de training. Put another way, if you over revved your car engine and broke it would you do the same to the new one?
As my Lone PAF is vagally mediated (mind as well as stomach affect it via the Vagus Nerve), I stopped my skiing, tennis and running & took up new sports, Nordic walking every day and walking basketball every week; with the latter don't expect all your team mates to understand the term walking! Although I miss my 'old world' from time to time, I remind myself I was getting too old for some of it that might have caused other issues if I had continued.
Thanks, you’re a good example for me. I am prepared to adjust or completely change if I need to. But … I’m keen to find out if I can keep doing what I did before. Did you try initially? And did you have an ablation and did your symptoms ring alarm bells?
I have no experience of post-ablation as I turned down the offer of one preferring to postpone whilst I try the less invasive route. My approach after diagnosis was to accept pills (Flecainide) to stop it completely buying me time to adjust and focus on Lifestyle changes, one of which was my exercise routines.
Initially, the plan was to make every change I could think at once and then to re-introduce 'the old life' slowly once I felt normal again an had ditched the pills. The reality was I found the 'quiet life' i.e. virtually no AF over 7 years so relieving I have not tempted fate by going back to pre-diagnosis habits and am still taking the pills! Best wishes.
Sadly, it was about three weeks after my ablation that I went into a three day session of tachycardia with bouts of AF thrown in. I ended up in A&E on a trolley for 16 hours, before reverting to NSR spontaneously around midnight. I was then sent home in the very early morning.
So, what I'm saying is don't hurry things. Keep your walking to the 'very easy' and build on that very gradually, at least until your three month review. After that, maybe you can reconsider the future.
Good luck!
Yeah thanks, that’s what I’ve been doing so far. But I’m starting to wonder … I haven’t sweated at all for a month now and haven’t had my HR during exercise (walking) above 110 (my zone 2 aerobic HR was up to 138 so I used to do a few hours at that a week). I’m thinking about some gentle cycling - eg 130 HR, 10 minutes every other day, adding 5 minutes each time ……?
Good Afternoon Splashrollandplod, can I call you Splash for short? I have my first ablation at the Royal Brompton on 4th October, I am of a similar age and a lifelong sportsman so I would be interested to know how your recovery goes, particularly from the exercise perspective. Thanks, Bill.
Yes let’s compare progress/notes. Expect confusing indications immediately after I think. High resting HR (mine was up 30% for 3 days, still up 20% 3 weeks after), some get AF and or other ‘wobbles’. A settling down period is best way to think of it, it seems. Good luck for ablation. What symptoms / frequency / duration have you had?
Hi splash, congrats on the procedure and fingers crossed it serves you well 🤞I also had ablation on Wednesday and train for triathlon 🙌🏻 hoping to make a full return to training and racing over the next few months and also eager to find info on return to high level sports training. I'll keep you posted on anything I find 👍 good luck

Cheers, good luck yourself. I’m guessing I got it for years but didn’t know until symptoms surfaced. I started doing flat out 40 minute bike sessions when I got in GB AG team - maybe did too many in short period (3 or 4 in a fortnight). 73 triathlons done, hoping there’ll be more even at moderate pace. I have a Kardia 6L as well - important not to get too spooked by the results especially in the 3 month blanking period (says he having just got 5 PVCs and 3 ectopics in a minute).
😂 Thanks for the advice.... Have a look at Richard Murray on you tube hes a young south African triathlete recently diagnosed and had an ablation. I'm hoping he has some good info on his experience with a return to training.....