I would like to change to a plant based diet. Does anyone know of a good one that I could follow till I find out what I am doing. I do t eat red meat or sausages or bacon. I don't like fish but I substitute my diet with flax seed. Any help would be much appreciated.
plant based diet: I would like to... - Atrial Fibrillati...
plant based diet

I haven't really eaten meat for over 25 years...dont miss it, I like fish, cheese and dairy products along with many others foods...I've travelled worldwide and survived..even China it's never been a problem it's more difficult for other people than me...they think I'm weird
But that's ok...
So good luck it will take time to find a balance and a diet you can live with
Hi Gillybean123, yes if you have Netflix watch the movie "Forks over Knives" very good to watch or buy the book. If you have fb he is also on there 😊
I agree with ShimmeringLillyMae. Forks Over Knives is a great plant based plan, if you are thinking of going strict vegan. They have a 4 week phase in plan, where you go vegan for Breakfasts one week, Breakfast and Lunch the second week, Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner the 3rd week, and by Week 4, you are totally whole food, plant based, no oil (WFPBNO). Two other good ones are the Engine 2 Diet, and Dr. Dean Ornish's newest book UnDo It.
On all of these, I found the hardest part was learning how to saute and roast vegetables without oil. Lots of burned plants to start with! I don't think anyone can deny the health benefits of going plant based.
And what is the point of of cutting out a healthy oil like olive? There are lots of nutritionists who deny that a vegan diet is healthy. And this " plant based" is just newspeak for "vegan". But vegan has old connatations of weird . What's more a lot of this vegan propaganda is driven by Seventh Day Adventists whose chief objection to "flesh" is that it stimulates sexual passions - so very scientific . Now a diet that included lots of plant material and small amounts of healthy (ie naturally raised or wild ) meat and fish could still be called plant based but as your own post makes clear the agenda is not that. And what could possibly be unheathy about red and green peppers or aubergines roated in olive oil a Mediterranean dish eaten for hundreds of years?
yes go plant based for your health and esp your heart. I love Dr Michael Greger, he is part of PCRM (Physicians For Responsible Medicine) as is Dr Ornish and Dr Esseltyn etc. His book How Not To Die is amazing and is in libraries
The human species has been omnivorous for ever. We have the digestive tracts of omnivores. Heart disease at younger and younger ages is a relatively new phenomenon which coincides to a large degree with the industrialisation of food and machines doing most of our work. Are the doctors you mention vegans? If so how do you know that their veganism is not initially driven by not wanting to eat animal products for moral rather than health reasons?
yes the doctors are vegan, however eat whatever you wish. I am 81 and doing very well without animal products for the past 20yrs. I prefer not to eat dead animals for both moral and health reasons.
Preferring not to eat dead animals for moral reasons is a perfectly acceptable position. To then segue into propaganda that this is healthier than a carefully chosen omnivorous diet is in my opinion intellectually dishonest. This is what these vegan doctors are doing.
I have mixed feelings about what is healthy, so many ppl and Dr.s have different aspects .. I am trying to follow plant based foods but with that being said I also feel that eating turkey, fish & chicken is way healthier then red meat and I'm not giving them up. Years ago I followed Dr. Davis's 'Wheat Belly' I felt better then ever and my BP and Cholesterol was perfect, you could eat healthy meats and red meat occasionally, cheese was also permitted and only full fat yogurt and low sugar fruits such as berries. I think plant based is great as long as you can do it but giving up olive oil to stir fry vegetables is too much for me.. See what works for you and good luck 😊
Thankyou, I gave up red meat and alcohol 18 months ago after being in hospital three times in one month with my AF. I know it has helped. Have only had two silly bouts which I sorted myself. Think I am Lucky when you read what others are going through. When they happen it is usually when I have been doing too much and not resting e enough. Thanks for your reply. X