I got a PM for chb in March 2018 everything was great till my 6mth check were they lowered the battery setting,since then I got all the symptoms bk as if I never had a PM, went bk for my year check explained & they changed to no avail, returned to clinic on 7th may were 5hey changed it to factory settings I'm more alert but still get breathless on exertion I dont want to be jumping threw loops but if this is wats it's like having a PM it's a nightmare im 47 & any advice would be helpful, thanks in advance x
Factory reset: I got a PM for chb in... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Factory reset
Hi. I don’t have a pacemaker but many here do. You might also want to try the British Heart Foundation forum on HealthUnlocked. Also Fibfab is a very experienced cardiac physiologist who contributes here and may be able to help.
You mentioned complete heart block. Do you also have symptoms of tachycardia? How many pacemaker leads do you have?
Is your GP sure your symptoms relate to the pacemaker settings? Have you seen your cardiologist recently?
I have two leads I've seen the team at my PM checks if that's wat you mean by cardiologist I'm seeing them every 8 wks at min trying to sort my PM our they are really understanding but thank you for your advice x
I had a PM fitted in 2013 and found that in 2017 things were not as good as they had been so reported this on my yearly check up. They adjusted the settings and also informed my GP. On going to my GP he in turn changed one of my medications to candersarten, this seems to have done the trick, so maybe you also may need a tweak or two with your meds just to help you along.