Hi there. Has anybody had any problems with Adizem & Apixaban in so far as joint and muscle pain go? I have AF and was initially prescribed Bisoprolol but had to ask for a change because Bisoprolol left me with no energy and so was put on Adizem which completely reversed the energy levels and I have been fine but recently have been doing a few DIY projects using electric drills and drilling into walls and wood and screwing in screws and have since developed the most excruciating pain in my joints ie rotary shoulder cuff, wrists, knees & legs, calf muscles etc. I have by default learned that I am not to take anti-inflammatory drugs as they apparently negate the work Apixaban does. I take co-codomol just a couple once a day that lessens the pain when at rest but just trying to lift a kettle is still painful. I’ve researched Adizem and one of its side effects was muscle pain but very rarely, I’m hoping that to be the case in which case I’ll go back to my gp for another change but almost afraid to ask in case it’s yet another ailment for this 69 year old body! That will involve taking yet more drugs. If anyone has any experience of this please do tell. I’ve learned also that drs don’t know what drugs interfere with other drugs. You need an interested pharmacist who knows about all these new drugs and their side effects when taken with other drugs. Both drugs I’m taking at the moment have very similar contra-indications which leaves me wondering if that compounds them when taken together. Ask the doc and they say don’t know!
Adizem & Apixaban : Hi there. Has... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Adizem & Apixaban

Having just spent nearly a month gutting and replacing our kitchen I can tell you that you do not need drugs to give you aches and pains! I found an electric driver invaluable plus an SDS drill for getting into concrete block walls. Work smart not hard.
Funnily enough (or not, really) - when I was first diagnosed with AF I too was prescribed Bisoprolol and it also flattened me, I was absolutely whacked all the time I was on it. To finish with I ended up on 1.25mg tablets, which still made me tired. At the same time I was prescribed rivaroxaban and found my joints started aching, so my GP changed me over to Apixaban & it seemed a lot better. Anyway, I was prescribed amiodarone with a view to getting back in sinus rhythm (assisted by cardioversion) prior to an ablation, & a week into starting on it I was back in SR. I had an ablation on November 30 last year, gave up the amiodarone on 1st January, but am still on Apixaban. Whenever I do any physical work (we have a 30 to 40 degree) grass slope to mow on rough ground around obstacles with a flymow, my joints ache like hell a couple of days after. Also it seems the same with any physical activity, I did quite a bit of mechanical work on my Land Rover recently and my joints ached. Go for a decent run out on my motorbike and my shoulders and arms ache. It wasn’t like this before I started on anti coagulants - I have always been active (retained firefighter up to 2 years ago) and had the occasional ache like everyone. I’ve been thinking it must be age that’s causing the aches and pains (I’m 69 too) & didn’t see aches etc listed as a side effect to Apixaban, so liked to believe it wasn’t!
I now am beginning to think maybe it is causing it - & your story goes some way to confirming it!
I hope you find a solution & get some relief!
Thanks Homburg. I too believe it is the drugs when you analyse what their purpose is, they interfere with your blood supply to the rest of your body. I’ll let you know what my gp says after I’ve paid her a visit. At the moment taking a couple of co-codomol when I really begin to feel uncomfortable is helping but I try to limit it to just 2 a day. The pain doesn’t go away when I sleep either. This old age thing is is becoming a challenge. It seems now, looking back on all the things I have done to keep fit and healthy have been of no benefit! I didn’t know that I had AF until I had a very bizarre sight problem!
I was experiencing joint and muscle pain, weakness, chronic fatigue, and just generally feeling lousy on 5m g Aliquis (Apixaban) 2x a day. Just went off of it May 9th and am tremendously better, also had muscle cramps at night and digestive upset. My cardiologists said they were not familiar with these side effects but I am so much better now. Had an ablation July 30, 2018.
Very similar story! Been taking Apixaban and Adizem for 2 years after being diagnosed with PAF. For the past 6 months have been struggling with a really bad bout of siatica which I cannot seem to shift. The cocodamol and Gabepentine make me feel sleepy and slightly sick. Try to complete the exercises every day and am working with a Chiropracter.Asked the pharmacist and the GP about possible side effects of the combination of Apixaban and Adizem but they were convinced there was no connection. I was a fit active 70 year old but have turned into an invalid reliant on a stick. Never took pills until 2 years ago and wonder if there is a connection? Wesh
Hi West
Sometimes I do wonder at these medics. If you read the Adizem leaflet and go on line is does say one of the side effects can be joint and muscle pain but they never offer you a solution to cope with it. Like you I thought I was a healthy nearly 70 year old doing all the right things to stay healthy and now quietly turning into an cripple due to medication for an ailment I didn’t even know i had!