Hi Everyone, I have been an avid follower of this forum ever since the beginning of my AF journey. Soon after being diagnosed with Afib I was fitted with a Pacemaker due to Syncope. After two failed ablations I finally had what we all thought was a successful RF ablation on 1st August last year. No further episodes of Afib so after four and a half months I was allowed to stop the Digoxin and gradually decrease and stop the Bisoprolol 7.5mgs. Within one week I had a small episode of Afib lasting about 5 hours which for me was very short they used to happen every week and last 24-36 hours. I had that confirmed by a quick trip to my Pacing Clinic in Inverness. I was put on a watch and wait to see if any firther episodes happened. Last Saturday morning at 0730 I felt my heart speed up but it felt different to the previous Afib episodes. I waited until day 3 then visited my surgery as it was not slowing down at all and I was sent into hospital. They tried to convert me chemically with Verapamil, twice which failed I was then told I would have to be cardioverted which I wasn't too keen on as it had been tried once before in Aberdeen without success but reluctantly I agreed as I was still hoping to be back in sinus rhythm by Friday (tomorrow) so I can fly abroad on a holiday. After wiring me up and making several more holes in me I was all ready for the happy juice but we had to wait for the PM lady with her trolley. When she arrived she asked for 5 mins to see if she could perform an overdrive conversion, something I have not heard about before. On the third attempt it worked, sinus rhythm was restored and heart rate came down from the 135 where it had been for 4 days. I was allowed home with a new prescription for Verapamil and I am going ahead with my holiday after clearing it with the travel insurance company. Has anyone else had an overdrive conversion?
Conversion to NSR: Hi Everyone, I have... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Conversion to NSR

I think that it was a cardioversion I have had about 20.
20 conversions using a pacemaker alone? That's impressive. I should add that my Afib has morphed into Flutter and that I am probably heading for an AV node ablation in the future.
No I don't have a pacemaker and maybe I have got it wrong and they do something different for Pacemaker customers.
A cardioversion is when they shock you back into rhythm. Not at all sure now that it is the same as your overdrive conversion but Dr Google only returns info on cars for overdrive conversion.
Bob will know the answer to both as he is a car enthusiast I think in addition to his vast knowledge of AF and associated matters.

I assume that they used the pacemaker to raise your theoretical HR to what it was doing and then slowed the PM and with it your heart but this is only a guess as I am not an expert in these matters.