Hello Friends,
I have been thinking about how I can thank you all for the help and support your comments gave me during my episode of acute anxiety around my choice sedation for my ablation yesterday. I feel a reluctance to send a cover a sort of all post to every one but do I realize that the best way to show my gratitude is to by sharing with you the outcomes. However first of I want to emphasise what a differnence your and kind encouraging thoughts meant in meant to me in that procedure dread moment.!
Right, here goes. My main anxiety was the fear of being aware of the lead as it goes.through the vein and enters my heart. That did not happen - I was completely unaware of this - the only sensations I had was an unusual feeling of heat my heart. When I drew the E.P’s attention to this he was able reassure me saying ‘.....this will only be for five seconds’ then..’it will start dimishing now ‘and as it did so, I safe. He also added ‘..would you like some more sedation’ I felt empowered to say, ‘ no I will be alright’. Later the E.P also pointed out how helpful this kind of feed back can be during the ablation procedure. I suppose that with their expertise he or she will know if heat in the chest is a positive or negative thing. I was kept informed of what the were doing and what to expect.
Another anxiety was whether I really needed another ablation, so it was helpful when the sedation cleared be told what they had found in (had my case) that a vein had reconnected and was the cause of the reoccurrence of me irregular heart beat.
Both G.A and sedation are not great for the system but for me the recovery and the longer term effects were reduced with sedation. I know now there is always senation of euphoria when something you have worried about is behind you but I do feel that if had to have another ablation, I would definitely choose sedation.
I am now sleepy but more importantly in sinus rhythm!
Steady beats to you all,