I have written on here before about the fact that when I have been to A and E , when first diagnosed with AF, my potassium levels were below range. After upping potassium in my diet (food, not supplements,) I have had intervals between AF episodes varying from one year to three years.
My BP recently rose and I started on Ramipril which tends to make one retain Potassium. I therefore stopped bananas, salmon and the skin of jacket potatoes , thinking I might start AF if my Potassium levels were too high.
So, last weekend, after having a tree on the line on the way to Kings Lynn for a concert, my BP was very high during the night. I had an irregular pulse for a short time but then had a very fast regular pulse and felt really ill. I rang 999 and the responder asked me to count my pulse out loud- he quickly said,"we'll send someone straight away!!" So I ended up in Kings Lynn A and E for the night ( I'm from Surrey!)
Interesting thing was my Potassium was below range when tested in A and E . Because I've recently been put on Ramipril I have blood test results for 2 days earlier where my potassium was in range. I've now started on the high potassium food again and have to have another blood test tomorrow- will be able to check levels then.
Because I don't have a AF very often now, it was almost as if I was trying to go into AF because of low potassium and then it switched to the very rapid tachycardia.
Ive been fine since changing diet back so will be interesting to see what test result /levels of Potassium are tomorrow.
This rather long-winded story may be of interest to others who have wondered about effect of potassium levels!!