I went to see my cardiologist yesterday and he is sending me for an angiogram. Is this normal? I was diagnosed with AF in August 18 had a cardio version in December which lasted 9 days so I am quite new to all this and a little anxious
Angiogram : I went to see my... - Atrial Fibrillati...

Yes it's normal. They did it to me. I'm not blocked enough for stents. Had another cardioversion yesterday. Keeping my fingers crossed it last this time. Good luck xx
Just wondering, did you have the "paddles" or the chemical cardioversion? Were the paddles not too bad an experience? I think the chemical version might have had some longer-term adverse effects.
Hi I had the paddles cardioversion and 2 pretty burns to go with it the paddles were fine but I was only in nsr for 9 days sadly
That would not be unusual if he was considering starting you on Flecainide. Or if you were complaining of angina.

I haven’t complained about anything it was a follow up from my cardio version they did the usual ECG and BP and he said my heart wasn’t pumping right so not sure what he saw
It's pretty normal I had one as well. Good to know how the heart is performing. Best wishes.
Thank you all I can sleep now I was a little worried as they have never mentioned having one I am sure if there is a problem they will sort it
Yes it is fairly normal, I had one when I was first diagnosed with AF and a Echo scan a few weeks later. Just one of the checks to see how your heart is functioning so the right treatment can be given.
Although I have never had one it was considered at one stage of my treatment. My husband had one prior to a cardio version quite recently so I think it is quite usual, prior to offering treatments.
This is good news. They'll get a clear idea as to what's going on in there and be able to sort it for you. All the best Cher17.
This is a very good diagnostic test and will give you peace of mind when done. I have had two and it has helped with my treatment plan. Good luck.