Has anyone had experience with having a wrist angiogram
Angiogram : Has anyone had experience... - Atrial Fibrillati...

yup, had one last year during my heart attack.
a fascinating thing to watch on the screen ( even during a stemi).
no pain whilst they do it, over in 15 minutes.
But you will have a sore wrist and localised bruising for a few days.
yes. Nothing to worry about.

Yes but being me it didn't end well.
Entry site burst open as I was about to leave the hospital and I needed a second four hour compression. Damage to the artery means I no longer have a pulse in that wrist and my right hand is paler than the left. I was told this can happen in up to 5% of cases. Actual angiogram was fine but s*** does happen. I blame the operator as he was in a bad mood and shouting at his assistant. Mind you I was in pain from my cracked ribs post CPR so really didnt care.
Flipping heck Bob you could class that as having a rough day. When I had mine I didn't realise they had done it
Nothing to worry about. Fascinating to watch what happens on the screen.
I've had 2 done....absolutely fine and watched both on the screen...fascinating. Entry point a bit uncomfortable but I can't say painful.didnt feel anything else .The staff were lovely both times and very reassuring. I'm sure you will be fine xx
yes a couple of times. Much easier than the groin angiogram where you have to lie flat for a few hours. I’m not certain as to whether it goes as far as the coronary arteries though and as fully exploratory but I’m sure others on here will know. Definitely less uncomfortable and no pain
All the best.
I had one done and although the angiogram itself was fine, my wrist was incredibly painful and a huge lump came up on it. I went back on Christmas Eve and the consultant said it was a haematoma and squeezed it down - it was so painful I nearly hit the roof. It went down but was back up within 20 minutes by the time I got to the car park. He wouldn't see me again and said to go to A&E which I did after Christmas. Got appointment in cardiology a couple of days later by which time it had started to subside. Other than that, absolutely fine! On another story, my husband had one to put a stent in and they kept pushing and shoving and he was yelling and eventually they said his arm had gone into spasm so they ended up going through the groin and then there was no problem. That was 2 years ago and he still gets some discomfort in that arm at times. I think it's easier for the hospital to go through the wrist but that's not always the case for the patient
Yes I've had one. It's a really easy proceedure and is painless and over quite quickly and I'm the biggest scaredy cat ever.
Yes two. First right after a heart attack when 2 stents were fitted; second a month later to check on 2 other blockages. No problems at all apart from a black arm- bruising when they released the pressure bandage too early. The only thing I felt was the canula being fitted. You will be sedated but awake. Some doctors let you watch teh screens as they do it. Mine wouldn't. I never felt a thing. Afterwards I was put in teh recovery ward with a pressure dressing on my wrist until bleeding stopped. A cup of tea and toast and back home. I went in for 9am and was home 40 minutes away and having lunch at 1.30. Strangely I was fine before the fi rst but I was terribly anxious before the second but when the sedative kicked in I didn't care. I had no problems afterwards apart from the bruising. The first time when he stents were fitted I was told to take it very easy for a couple of weeks and of course I had to recover from the hart attack.