A virtuous opportunity to give up cakes, biscuits, crumbles and sugar and get rid of any remaining Xmas weight. Anyone Join me?
What are you giving up for Lent? - Atrial Fibrillati...
What are you giving up for Lent?
I am also trying to give up biscuits, chocolate and cake for lent. Any weight loss would be good
I am giving up giving up ! I live like a monk anyway - my wife makes sure of that - so not a lot I could. lol 😂
Sorry, don't do New Year's Resolutions or Lent. All about making a commitment - no good for this bus driver.
No sweet tooth but giving up crisps and salted peanuts!
Yes, giving up anything sweet, cakes, scones, chocolate, biscuits etc, Do it every lent and usually loose a couple of Kg. Find it very difficult at the start as have sweet tooth!
Hi crisps for me
Not giving up anything. Taking on the challenge of carrying out 40 Acts of generosity. There's a great website: 40acts.org.uk/ Much better than a "oh let's give yo chocolate and lose some weight" idea, which is not what Lent is about. 😊
I'm giving up AF if possible. So far, so good.
Also gloom and lethargy. And driving, which - to my surprise - is no hardship.
I'm giving up on giving up ! Having an operation today, so we'll see what tomorrow brings if I get out of the anaesthetic. Best wishes to you all on giving up. Bob
i have been trying to use much less single use plastic over the last few months, so i intend to make a greater effort in this respect ,not just for Lent ,but for all time. It's so blooming hard though ,you see a card you would like to send to someone, it's wrapped in plastic, tablets come in plastic backed foil, the little anticoagulant card in my Apixaban wrapped in plastic, red cabbage etc from supermarket wrapped in cling film. Aaagh! It's everywhere, but if we all did a little bit it must help a little. Maybe?
My best wishes to all, Kath
Sugar is my absolute weakness and there are so many sweet Easter treats in the markets! But I am with you and think this is a grand idea. Count me in!
I also already live a very virtuous life, thanks to the AF. A perfect diet, getting slimmer by the day, can't drink, don't smoke, plus my partner lives in another country....what the ruddy hell is left for me????!!!!
But being serious, I'm sure I can think of a bad habit or two... haha :o)