Hi all. In 2016 for a whole years electrophysiology told me I was suffering ectopics beats. I had a holster echo and stress echo. I was ok for over a yr. as of the last 2 weeks they have returned and I'm so so scared. My anxiety condition has returned panic disorder high stress from abusive home and I always feel fear but the epidodes feel like butterflies in my chest then fast heart rate for an hour or so but it sits at 100 not higher. I feel intense fear after as I know that's the anxiety and dizziness but is that the anxiety.How do I know if I have afib or not I'm terrified what are the tell signs to say ok well this is afib. I also Aneamic and have hypothyroidism but managed well with medication. Yesterday I did another holter and and echo. Please help me.
How do I know it's afib ?: Hi all. In... - Atrial Fibrillati...
How do I know it's afib ?

The morning most simplistic answer is to feel your pulse when you have the symptoms you describe.
If you are in normal rhythm (NSR) you should have an even heartbeat. The normal range is somewhere between 50 & 80 when resting.
If you are upset or stressed it can be above that rate. Of course if you are or have been exercising the rate will be higher but still even.
Atrial Fibrillation (AF) is uneven for example a run of fast beats followed maybe with a missed beat and then slow. I always describe it a like an old car firing on three cylinders.
If you find that your pulse is uneven try and go to your doctors when you think you may be out of rhythm and ask if they can give you an ECG. AF will be identified if you have an ayrhythmia problem.
I get that flutter then bang but I check my pulse and it's even last like 5 or 6 seconds. Your saying afib will continue to beat uneven?
Yes very uneven. It is hard to count with little fast bursts then gaps .. then even different throbs. Just no rhythm.
Yes it will continue to be uneven if it is AF. NSR will continue to beat evenly.
Missed beats and extra beats ,called ectopics, sometimes make you feel very uneasy and many of us get them. It can be very distressing if it goes on for any period of time.
Bear in mind we are all so different and we on this forum can only give answers from our own personaal experience, it does not necessarily apply to you.
As this condition you are experiencing troubles you so much you would be best advised to have a check up with your doctor and explain what is happening. Hopefully you will see someone that is sympathetic and doesn't just dismiss it as nothing to worry about. Even if it is not a serious medical condition ectopics can impact on your quality of life.
AF normally goes on for a number of hours or days or in some cases is permenent.
If it is ectopics you are experiencing then they are normally benign.
Hi pete so today i jad a drink.of water.and once finished my heart went irregular for aboit 10 secs. Then normal. Can that be afib even though it only lasted 10 secs? or can ectopics feel.like that & be irregular.
It happens to us all. If it is only a short bout like that then no way of telling but should be nothing to worry about unless starts to run unevenly for a lot longer.
I get fast runs every day for a few seconds and have learned to accept it. It is best to try and ignore it if you can as stress and anxiety can actually precipitate AF.
Take care
Agree with Pete but why not check out the Kardia app and monitor which you can use with iPhone and other mobile devices on Google and the AF Association webpage. They enable you to take a reading as soon as you feel that something is wrong and you can send the readings to your EP. Check first, but many EP’s welcome and accept these reports.
I do note that you have had a holter and an echo cardiogram. When the results are through the former might capture the rhythm problem you are experiencing and the echo will establish if you have any other underlying heart condition.
I think you should relax and wait until you get the results of these tests.
Oh Contra, please tell me you are not in an abusive home now?
Stress can certainly make your heart race and that needn't be because of AF, they could be panic attacks. Feel your pulse and check that your beats are evenly spaced, if so that's not AF. Incidentally, 100 beats per minute is not dangerously high, 80-100 is considered normal. Do you know what your normal pulse rate is?
We're here for you.
Oh Jean your message made me feel so cared for. I thank you for your sincerity. I'm still here. Have anxiety but these flutters happen when I'm calm. I'm in bed and out of no where I get fear panic in my body for hours. I feel they are even amd my heart rate is between 85 to 100.
Please see your GP, he may be able to give you something to calm your thoughts, but of course they may not help if people around you are making you feel anxious.
If people are causing you anxiety, then you need to get away from them. You really have to be strong, walk away and cut them out of your life. Just do it and never look back.
There's help for you with your GP, you just have to ask, or have you already done that?
Jean x
I cant leave as I am planning it in secret to leave just dont have enough money. I've seen many drs I'm always dizzy have low iron amd thyroid and had a holter and echo and will get results Thursday. I had one done in 2017 and all was normal I fear it will change. I'm having anxiety every time I sleep it's weird just fear I camt explain it then the flutter and I'm up thinking the worst.
First of all, take deep breath and try to relax. It is a very frightening condition, but usually not life threatening. Take a look at your lifestyle and see if any changes can be made there. If you believe in God, pray and ask for peace. There may also be some natural "drugs" that may calm you down. CBD oil is growing popularity for one.
You think anxiety is the cause? I'm always dizzy too esp when standing and that freaks me out too so much I panic
Could be I wonder that in my own situation
You are always dizzy too and have anxiety?
I wouldn't call it dizzy, there is another name for it that escapes me but feel like I have to lay down. Anxiety is part of it and physical issues are the other part. Anxiety meds don't work for me they zone or zombie me out. I am considering MJ but not legal here yet and I don't like the smoke part of it.
Breathe deep through your nose, hold for 4-5 seconds and then breathe out slowly through the mouth, sometimes for 10 minutes or more. Calm will come if you concentrate and breathe deeply!
You have had a holster monitor on.Your doctor will have the trace of ECG he will be able to see Afib on his computer screen in you test result.Make an appointment & ask GP.I did & put my mind at rest.Why oh why do we always try & make assumptions?Anxiety can bring on all sorts of problems.Spk to your GP.
Hi; can I suggest that the EP refers you for a Bruce Protocol test as this will determine whether you have AF and whether it's fibrillation or flutter. The Bruce Protocol test: you are connected with a number of electrodes to a wide screen that shows your wave form in real time; a nurse will watch the screen continuously. You will walk on a treadmill that every few minutes will get a bit stepper and a bit quicker. At regular times a second nurse will take your blood pressure with an "old-fashioned" pump-up sphygmometer (digital can be inaccurate with AF) and record it. The first nurse will record when you go into AF, and you will then stop, sit down, and the time to NSR recorded. All of this will be saved so that the EP can see a hard copy. My record showed that I peaked at 235 bpm and the EP later told me that I flip-flop between fibrillation and flutter. My pulse is irregular all of the time to the extent that I can't use any monitor that detects r - r and, if I'm not watching my pulse on the rowing machine it can peak at 200 bpm.