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Scared about findings of coronary heart disease.

Bmwpaul1971 profile image
26 Replies

Hi everyone. Well for the last god knows how long I have been breathless when walking up hill/ stairs etc. Or exerting myself. I put it down to the bisporolol. I was changed the a calcium channel blocker and my terrible ectopics went straight away which was great but my heart seemed to be working hardercthen ever. I had an echocardiagram which showed abnormalities in the left ventricle. But the pictures were rubbish so they sent me for an Mri and nuclear profusion stress test.

I havent had the mri results but the stress test indicated coronary disease resulting in reduced function. So they are now sending me for an angiography to assertain any narrowing and or blocked arteries.

I am very scared and worried and feel like I have been given a death sentence. I am a 47 year old man and am so down and low at the moment. Anyone had similar who could give any positive words.

Many Thanks Paul

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Bmwpaul1971 profile image
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26 Replies
Eirecara profile image

Hi Paul, I know how you feel. This heart stuff is very scary, and difficult to live with day to day. The good thing for you is, that if they find a blockage during the angiogram, they will likely stent it immediately. In the mean time take things easy and if you could do some meditation, or something similar, it would help with stress. Do follow the angiogram up to make sure your not left waiting. The creaky wheel etc. Very best wishes. ☘️

Bmwpaul1971 profile image
Bmwpaul1971 in reply to Eirecara

Hi. Thabks for reply. Dont worry I will be on them frequently. Apparently the waiting list is quite long?

CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply to Bmwpaul1971

My husband had an angiogram last week, it was quick 20 mins, it was painless and in by 7.00 am and home by 2pm. He didn’t require stents as there was very little cardiovascular disease but far better to get your house in order now so that you can live a full and fulfilled long life rather than ignore. I hope you get seen soon.

Very best wishes CD

Bmwpaul1971 profile image
Bmwpaul1971 in reply to CDreamer

Hi. Thanks for the reply. I too hope I get seen soon.

jeanjeannie50 profile image

I really feel for you Paul, anxiety is an awful thing! I've lost count of the number of times I thought it would be the end for me. We hope for the best, but there's just that little niggle - saying this is it! Well, I'm 68 and still here and when I look back I think what a fool I was to make myself so distressed, but I'm sure I'll do it again when the occasion allows. I did it a few months go and I was very close to crazy. All because of wrong ideas in my head and thinking things were worse than they were.

Eirecara has given you a good response re an angiogram and I know people who having been told details the same as you, who are as fit and lively as ever 30 years later. I think the word that shouldn't have been said to you is 'disease' that's not an apt word to say to anyone. We see that as something progressive, but it's not and a bit like the words 'heart failure' which sound so dramatic, but also don't mean a lot.

If you should need a stent because of a narrowing in vessels around your heart, well once that's done you return to normal. The breathlessness goes and you live life to the full again. Hold on my friend and I bet you'll discover things are nowhere near as bad as you think.

Please let us know your MRI results when you get them, they may say that all is well.


Bmwpaul1971 profile image
Bmwpaul1971 in reply to jeanjeannie50

Hi Jean. Thanks very much for the kind words. It is really difficult when letters land on your doorstep saying left ventrical dysfunction and coronory disease without explanation or severity? I hate when these letters land as it sends you into panic mode. I phoned the British heart foundation yesterday and spoke to the cardiac nurse. He was brilliant and explained lots. I just feel like I am hanging on at the minute. I hope the MRi doesnt show structural issues etc. My main worry now is heart failure. That is really scaring me!

jeanjeannie50 profile image
jeanjeannie50 in reply to Bmwpaul1971

That was a good idea to ring the BHF.

Yes, I think it's crazy to get letters about our condition, using words we don't understand! It's time that was stopped and things explained in a way we do.

Heart failure means your heart isn't quite working properly, not that it's going to stop.

Several years ago after a cardioversion a nurse casually told me I had heart failure and said a number afterwards, like 2nd degree, but can't remember what the number actually was. When I asked about it recently I was told what I've written a few lines above. Right now I've been AF free for almost 6 weeks, am not on any heart meds other than Warfarin, feel well and am just off to do some gardening. I bet you you'll be the same up ahead.

At times in the past, I've hardly been able to walk from the kitchen to the lounge because it made me feel so, tired, ill and breathless. I've had three ablations, lots of cardioversions and since my last ablation just over two years ago, now feel like a new woman. My diet is so much healthier now too.

I can't stop your anxiety, I know what it's like and couldn't stop my own, but I can see you feeling a lot better up ahead.

Always here if you want to moan, flip, laugh or cry.

Bmwpaul1971 profile image
Bmwpaul1971 in reply to jeanjeannie50

Hi Jean. I think the anxiety is cripling me and making me feel so much worse. Since I got the letter, I actually feel 100 times worse. I am constantly worried about going out, doing too much, etc. Even washing the car the other day I had to stop because my heart was beating hard and fast. It is like that when I upstairs sometimes.

How have you gotten from not being able to walk around without breathlessness / feeling ill to where you are now. I seem to go up and down daily. One day ok the next awful. Plus I have cold symptoms which are not helping etc

jeanjeannie50 profile image
jeanjeannie50 in reply to Bmwpaul1971

You know I felt so much better after my third ablation, but I was also heavily into changing my diet around that time too. I'm not claiming to be a saint, but I try hard not to have any food with artificial additives and cook all my main meals myself using fresh produce. I've certainly improved by not taking Flecainide and Metoprolol every day, but when AF strikes I just have to do it. I used to be like you, breathless and unable to do anything that required effort. I also discovered about 2 years ago that I had an underactive thyroid cased by taking Amiodarone. Pills to correct that have certainly given me more energy.

I understand your feeling ok one day, but not the next, that was me too. AF is a horrible condition, but there are far worse things we could have. At least we still look normal. I was in the town the other day waiting for a bus home and a man came along and he could not control his limbs they were jerking around wildly. I'd never seen anything like it before and it was upsetting to see, but even worse for that poor man, his wife got him a pill and very quickly he calmed. I thanked god that I didn't have that affliction.

Bmwpaul1971 profile image
Bmwpaul1971 in reply to jeanjeannie50

Well I took a diazepam and did some gardening. Felt better lol

jeanjeannie50 profile image
jeanjeannie50 in reply to Bmwpaul1971

Good to hear that.

Bmwpaul1971 profile image

Hi Jo thanks for your reply. I have been told my heart is not contracting as forcefully as it should so I guess some damage has already been done?

fallingtopieces profile image

Paul, you’re being investigated well by the sounds of it. The key is finding the cause and getting it sorted which I’m sure will happen.

I have an uncle aged ~85-86 who has had various stents and bi passes over the years(I think quadruple). He was a smoker, didn’t give up until his early seventies! but is fit and well now for an old chap.

Good luck with it all and think positively.


Bmwpaul1971 profile image

Hi Pat thanks for your reply and its nice to hear a positive story. It is hard to stay positive with bad news. You prepare for it but its not real until you get it in writing Thanks for taking the time to respond. Cheers

I would second HappyJo ‘s suggestion of posting this on the British Heart Foundation forum on HU.

My only contribution is that my CT coronary angiogram showed 25-50 % narrowing which the cardiologist said was average for my age. Since I don’t have angina he wasn’t concerned.

Bmwpaul1971 profile image
Bmwpaul1971 in reply to

Hi. Thanks. Yes I think that is a good idea.

TamlaMotown profile image

Thinking of you Paul 😊

Bmwpaul1971 profile image

Thanks very much

Gwersey profile image

Hi Paul. I was shocked by your post. You must feel like the doctors weren't listening to you before when you explained your symptoms. And I must say I am scared too as our symptoms have always been similiar eg ectopics, hiatus hernia, gastrointestinal issues, not to mention anxiety.

My husband had a heart attack 8 years ago, had 3 stents fitted. 3 years later he had a triple bypass. He is 63. He walks 10 kilometres daily, is a keen gardener and loves socializing with his friends. He is the bravest man I know and is a hero to me. Not sure why I'm telling you all this except maybe to point out that, despite all he's been through he's still here, living his life as best he can and enjoying it as well. He's an example of positive thinking benefit. What I'm trying to say, badly, is keep your chin up and we're all rooting for you. I wish you all the very best, and the best possible outcome.

Bmwpaul1971 profile image
Bmwpaul1971 in reply to Gwersey

Hey thanks thats a lovely story. My problem throughout life is stress and sugar. I have always been a terrible worrier and when I started having svt and palpatations 20 years ago its been a constant worry. Always there in the back of my mind. I am also a sugar fiend. Have been all my life. Bad diet and stress maybe a big factor plus lack of exercise. I am a slim guy but that doesnt matter. You dont have to be over weight to heart issues.

I am only hoping that the mri results are not bad and although its not beating as vigorously as it should it is not terrible?

My fingers are crossed.

Then I await the angiography and see what that says.

I feel like I am closing down at the moment. My body and mind are in shock and its affecting me badly. Everyday is a struggle at the moment with it constantly at the forefront of everything I do. Once I get results. I intend to join a group of people in similar situations as I think support is always great.

Thanks for your thoughts and I wish I was like your husband. I feel like I have given up already.

Ianc2 profile image

Dump the sugar - it's worse than cocaine. Get yourself an absorbing hobby, take regular gentle exercise - which can become a hobby in itself (any one for golf?), learn to play a musical instrument, learn German or French. You are lucky - the grim reaper has just passed you and given you a wake up card. Take up an active lifestyle, be positive and follow a diet that doesn't clog you arteries. As you said- bad diet, stress and lack of exercise. All things that you can change today.

Bmwpaul1971 profile image
Bmwpaul1971 in reply to Ianc2

Hi Ian. Thanks very much. Yes I started the new me last week. Hardly any chocolate, biscuits, cake now. Instead, lots of green veg, nuts, fish, dog walking.

Definately a wake up call!

I need hobbies as I am an over thinker and spend way too much time over analysing health/problems in a negative way. Might get an electric bike, enjoy my garden. Do stuff to my 2 cars etc. 👍

Ianc2 profile image

Regular gentle exercise 30 minutes a day. Nice brisk walk will do it.

Bmwpaul1971 profile image

More dog walking. Well at least they will be happy lol

Gwersey profile image

Any result from MRI?d Have you a date for angiogram yet?

Bmwpaul1971 profile image

No not yet. I think there is a big wait for angiography. Ended up in A and E on Wed. Had pains in my shoulder blades and arms. Felt really unwel. Had ecg - normal. Blood test for heart enzymes - was ok. Blood test for clots - ok. Chest xray - fine. Blood pressure 118/82 so good. And 99% oxygen blood level so again fine. Dr thinks I have stressed myself out and I agreed. Felt much better when I left. My body is really misbehaving. I think I am having panic / anxiety attacks which brings on heart type symptoms. I need to up my anxiety tablets as they arnt controlling things at the moment. I currrntly take sertraline 50mg but not enough!

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