Hi guys. Just wondering if you are in AFib for more than. 12 hours and only rely on AAD without anticoagulant at what point does it become dangerous that you might get stroke attack. HR is between 110-120bpm and BP is 125/85. Appreciate your advice and sharing of your experience. Thank you.
AFib and Stroke : Hi guys. Just... - Atrial Fibrillati...
AFib and Stroke

My understanding is that it isn’t the length of time which poses the risk of stroke in AF but an individual’s CHA2DSVASC score. If your score is 2 or above, then anticoagulation is advised - even though AF is controlled by drugs or ablation.
This link helps with calculation of stroke risk
I did the test via the link. Scored 1. (female).
At a score of 1 it is advisable but optional. Stroke risk is qiute independent of length of time in AF or even when AF is present. Remember many people are unaware of events or even of having AF prior to the stroke. Not say you have but many people fudge their score because they do not realize that once given a score can't be subtracted. So for example normal blood pressure on medication still counts as does well controlled diabetes.
I can only add my own experience.I was diagnosednwith AF in 2013. In 2017 I was diagnosed with extremely high cholesterol..13.5.... At clinic for this they queried why Inwas not anti coagulated given my high risk family background,and they sent a letter to gP.
He pooh poohed this,said I was a Chad score of 1 being female (didnt add in high bP and on meds..i.e score of 2)
anyway...2 months later had a TiA...thankfully recovered well..and now on apixaban...thank fully.
Have been told if
in full blown Afib or Flutter,have both, for more than 12 hours,to go to a a and e...risk of clot...stroke..even on anti coagulants.
Sorry to speak plain but wish someone had to!d me!! Now feel !ooked after.
Best wishes
What is AAD? When you say no anticoagulant, do you take aspirin?
I had a stroke as a result of P/A/F, having been diagnosed almost a year, and I had been taking on the advice of my cardio, 375mg solvable Aspirin daily since diagnosis and that is what I believe saved me from a more severe stroke, I was then put in hospital for 2 weeks during which time I started taking Warfarin. I had the stroke in 2000 and 3 years ago I had ablation which was unsuccessful and worsened the condition so was fitted with a Pacemaker together with taking 2 heart drugs plus anticoagulant so all in all its been quite a journey but now life is good.