I’ve heard not to sleep on your left side if you have afib. Fact or fiction?
Should you sleep on your left side wi... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Should you sleep on your left side with afib?

I think different people have different results. It’s never bothered me. I always fall asleep on my left side as my husband insists on having the fan on 365 nights of the year and I don’t want it in my face.
Your husband wanting or should that be needing the fan on every night tells me he is not getting enough oxygen, is that because the window is not open or he has mild sleep apnea. Just a thought as I went through that albeit briefly. I now use nasal strips and the window open.
I've had pAF for nearly 9 years. It is well controlled mainly through medication but also through diet and lifestyle changes. As a result I have only had 1 AF event in 3 & half years. That was Feb this year when I went into AF while sleeping on my left side. Unfortunately I just can't sleep on my back nor can I sleep on my right side due to a long standing shoulder problem. I know many people if they sleep on left side can virtually be guaranteed of going into AF.
My Feb AF event only lasted 5 hours but my BP took another 21 hours to return to normal. It has not repeated and I still sleep on my left.
It's hard as it s my natural side,but it does sometimes trigger AF. If I already have it when I go to bed,I never try to rest on left side.Something to do with the position of the heart. Xxx

AF is a mongrel condition which affects people in so many different ways. This old thing about left side sleeping causing AF I feel is an over simplification. Since the heart is slightly to the left of centre in most people's chests it follows that by sleeping on your left side then there are more other bits of you pressing against your heart which means that any arrhythmia may be felt more than if you were on your right side with less pressue on your heart. Does it casue AF? I doubt it but anxiety of feeling your heart beating may well do so.
I fidget at night and swop left to right and vice versa and I’ve never noticed a difference so for me, it’s complete fiction. My husband says his mother told him to never sleep on his left side as a child so I think it is what is most comfortable and for him it is just a habit to sleep on his right side - but I have to say he gets a few big digs when he snores into my ear.
I have seen posts on here from people reporting AF disturbs them on both their right or their left side so do what is comfortable for you.
Best wishes CD.
Sleeping on my left side is a sure trigger for AF with me! One night I got away with doing it, but the next it kicked off. Just dare not attempt it anymore.
I'm left handed so sleeping in my left side is natural position for me If AF should occur there's not much one can do but I always return to my left side
I'm in trouble then as I can't sleep on my right side.. So my AF always starts when on my left side. I wonder if this could apply to folks that always sleep on their right side?
I actually sleep better on my left side. The right side seems to trigger ectopics for me.
I have paid attention to how my back and neck position affects AF; and from my experience, it is likely that impacts on these, while sleeping, are the reasons. Unfortunately, no one researches this.
I have Af and cannot stay on my left side. I have no choice as it is so horrible. I also cannot stay on back long as well. All the tried drugs have been a disaster so im listed for Pacemaker and AV node ablation. It took 4years to get from occasional attacks of af to where i am now so obviously for me it gets worse with time. im not overweight, good diet, dont drink, dont smoke, excersise a little now after being a life long athlete. Part of the problem i suppose is I am 78