Confused about episodes of AF - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Confused about episodes of AF

Thweng profile image
41 Replies

People keep talking about episodes of AF which I cant get my head around.

I thought you either have it or you don’t.

If its been treated and controlled why would you have a episode?

I could see it might go out of control if you were ill or under stress.

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Thweng profile image
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41 Replies
Finvola profile image

An episode of AF is how we describe the intermittent feelings and reactions of our bodies, especially the heart generated by the chaotic signals in the atria. It usually refers to paroxsymal AF - ie paroxsyms or episodes.

If someone is taking drugs to counter the symptoms then he or she may not have a chaotic heartbeat but it may be that the AF is strong enough to break through the barriers imposed by rhythm and rate control drugs. The same situation can occur after ablation - rogue signals may start up again.

Before I started taking drugs, I had episodes of AF lasting a couple of hours every few days - between times I felt normal with normal heartbeat but the AF was still there, lurking.

It is important to remember that treatment is not about treating the AF itself, but the symptoms which AF causes, so if the condition progresses, episodes of chaotic heartbeat and other symptoms may recur. And, yes being ill or stressed will also do it.

Melleray profile image
Melleray in reply toFinvola

Very clear explanation

Hi Thweng (whatever happened to Paddington!!). There are three main types of AF:

1. Paroxysmal AF which is the type which causes episodes to come and go almost at will, although "triggers" are often identified which cause the episodes to kick in. Once triggers are identified, most people avoid them like the plague! Generally, people with PAF must be anticoagulated subject to their CHADsVasc score and as far as I know, many take a rate control drug such as a betablocker to help prevent AF kicking in. Also, some are prescribed a rhythm drug such as Flecainide, which they take as a Pill in the Pocket (PiP) if an episode starts and continues for more than 30 mins or so. This is like having a chemical cardioversion which encourages the heart to return to sinus rhythm.

2. Persistent AF which tends to be there 24/7 but will react positively to chemical or medical treatment which is why it is important to establish a treatment plan with a specialist as soon as possible. Whilst there are no episodes as such, heart rates can vary.

3. Permanent AF which is, as the name suggests, there 24/7 and it is very unlikely that any treatment can stop it but rate drugs such as betablockers help to keep the rate to within reasonable levels but probably nothing can be done to control the irregularity of the heart beat.

I am not medically trained, so please check the AF webpages as previously mentioned because that will give you a better understanding of the different types of AF and how best they are treated......hope this helps.

If you have AF all the time, it is called permanent (or persistent) AF. If you have it for a short period, up to 7 days, You might well call it an episode (paroxysmal AF)

The word controlled in this context it ambiguous. It could mean the rate of AF is slowed down for example by a beta blocker like Bisoprolol. This would apply in both types of AF.

Or it could mean the number and length of episodes are reduced by a so called rhythm control drug like Flecainide.

CDreamer profile image

Please see this thread a few days ago asking exact question

When I watched Dr. Gupta's Vagal AFib video, I was struck by the 2 categories of people he identified. This includes the types of AFib folks have already mentioned here, but the related info really was an "aha" moment for me. I jotted down some notes: please view the video to grab more details. I'm sure I'm missing some here.

Type 1 people tend to be younger, no co-morbidities, paroxysmal, tolerate the episodes poorly & feel extremely unwell, good prognosis, don't seem to have strokes, low risk, respond well to ablation.

Type 2 tend to be older, have lifestyle issues, diabetes, etc., don't respond as well to ablation, but tolerate AF better.

Thweng, this info was a revelation to me because when I discovered the forum and read about people having AF for decades, or not really having strong symptoms, all I could think was, "How on earth do you do that?!"

I'm clearly in the Type 1 group. I can feel an episode pretty much the instant my heart shifts into an irregular rhythm and tend to feel uncomfortable till it stops. I can usually feel that moment, too.

Today I had to teach a 3-hr class. My heart seems to really not like me teaching this class, as much as the rest of me really enjoys myself! Every week, I have had insomnia and an episode the night before. It turns out to be much harder to get it to stop. Tried the usual meds today, to no avail. I had a great time teaching, but my heart rate was 110-120 the entire time, which is way, way(!) unusual for me.

Got home flopped on the couch, back in NSR. Thank God. The episodes can be rather unsettling, to put it mildly.

All the info shared here by everyone else is so incredibly helpful.

Can you imagine how wonderful it would be to have AF Educators like all of you working in each EP practice???

It would be such an interesting long-term study to track the progress of AF patients in practices with this kind of educational and emotional support from the outset vs. those that don't have it from the beginning (like me, only discovering it 5 years in). I would bet a lot that it would make a difference!

Hi Thweng,

Well I was diagnosed with paroxysmal AF in January 2010 (aged 65) in 9 hours of onset, even though I'd suffered 2 and half years of palpitations prior. In those days my Consultant noted that there were times I could be in AF and not know it or feel it. In those early days the medication to treat AF and accompanying stroke risk, (in addition to BP meds and statins) was Warfarin and Bisoprolol. I am still on the exact doses as originally prescribed. During the first year I was popping in and out of AF all the time. Then I linked an AF onset with food and/or food ingredients. So with diet I treated the food issues and eventually managed to all but stop any episodes of AF ( that I know of). Now I can say that I have had only one AF event since April 2015, and that was in February 2018 when I'd been sleeping on my left side.

With my own experience behind me and reading shedloads of posts on here over the years I have to say that AF seems to be a hydra headed monster which is all things to all people .... and indeed it can be ( as in my case ) different things to the same person, and does precisely what it wants when it wants. In other words once diagnosed, it doesn't matter what treatment plan is implemented its all about restoring quality of life. Not about curing the AF. Lets face it, by the time diagnosis is made the heart is damaged and only rarely can that damage be repaired or be reversed and most current surgery is aimed at restoring Q of L by dealing with the rogue electrical circuits. I am not aware that there is any technique available to repair a damaged atria.

I do not regard my heart as being cured of AF. I do regard my AF as being well controlled by a combination of medication and diet and lifestyle. Another aspect for me which was critical was my speed of diagnosis and accuracy of diagnosis, so that in 9 hours I had been diagnosed and a treatment plan started. In this context some stories I've read on here over the years read like horror stories. Speed and accuracy are critical at first onset.

So yes ... I have it BUT I don't have it .... in the sense that because of rapid, successful diagnosis and treatment, because of diet and lifestyle it interferes less with my life now than a common cold. As far as I am aware the damage (to the right atria) is done, cannot be/hasn't been/won't be reversed ...... end of ! The thing is, the passing of time doesn't alter the diagnosis, the right atria was damaged, remains damaged, and will be the source of mischief ... that is a given ... and my hearts electrical circuits misfiring or whatever they are doing doesn't change things. Its here to stay in whatever way it chooses to manifest itself and I've done all I possibly can to control the rotten thing, barring surgery which I rejected right at the beginning.

I have basic diagnostic equipment at home to tell me what I need to know, in other words, combined, it tells me when to hit the paramedic call out button, or to hit the A & E button. In Feb 2018 it took my heart 5 hours to revert to NSR and an additional 21 hours for my BP to return to its normal reading (126/70), had the 5 hours spun out to, say, 10 hours or longer - which was what I was looking for, then my reaction would have been different. I have not had a recurrence since - nor do I expect one. That said, I no more trust AF than I do a EU, Brussels based politician or any politician and I am always alert to this monster. :-)

So, I hope this layman's long winded narrative goes some way to answer your questions.


Kaz747 profile image
Kaz747 in reply to

Love your description of AF as a hydra headed monster. There certainly is no “one size fits all” approach to this monster. I was initially diagnosed with SVT two years ago, then Multifocal Atrial Tachycardia, then Atrial Flutter and finally AF. The arrhythmia’s seem to have morphed. Just when I think I’ve got the hang of it and have it under control another head pops up and says, “surprise!”. Being 54 I’m hoping to have a long and happy life ahead of me. I need to tame this monster.

Maybe it’s my vivid imagination but your description conjured up religious images of God casting aside the multi-headed beast in the bible 😇🤯😃

in reply toKaz747

What strikes me about this wonderful description of AF as a hydra headed monster is that the remedy my homeopath has discovered to be helpful in treating AF is Naja, as I mentioned in my post about homeopathy and AF. I've taken a couple of doses of it.

The venom of the cobra is used in this remedy; the symbolism/story behind the Naja cobra is of a 7-headed cobra protecting Buddha as he meditated.

The 7-headed Naja helping us deal with the hydra headed monster...a new angle on "Like cures like"? 😂

in reply to

So have you found the homeopathic remedy to be helpful? I was thinking of going that way as I don't get on with the straight stuff very well and have had excellent results with homeopathypreviously! I have paroxysmal but episodes are getting more frequent so need to try something to stop it getting any worse! I went to a medical herbalist shortly after being diagnosed but that didn't work out well at all.

It will be really good to hear how you are getting on.

in reply to

Hi SandiBee,

Well, after the 2nd dose, I had a miserable day of flipping in and out of AF and just general awfulness. I’d forgotten that in the world of homeopathy, this is actually a sign that the remedy is right for me. An “Aggravation,” or Healing Crisis, clearing out what needs clearing.

It made sense after I spoke with my homeopath. With the physical, I’d been flooded with bad memories from the ending of 2 relationships that had precipitated AF episodes after 4 years of freedom from them after my first ablation.

Now I’m certain I’m over those experiences, so I do think the remedy helped a lot and is continuing to work.

The most immediate practical help from homeopathy has been my discovery that taking 2 pellets of 30c Arnica 15 minutes after my Flecainide PIP at the outset ends the episode in a fraction of the time as Flec alone.

100 mg Flec takes 4 or more hours for me. My genius EP told me to take 150 to end it sooner. Instead, it made the episode stronger and longer. I wonder why he didn’t seem to know that Flec can actually trigger AF at higher doses?

Around 10 times now, Arnica with Flec has brought me back to NSR much faster-from 2 minutes to 1.5 hrs. Usually it’s around 20 minutes. The longer times have been in more stressful situations.

Will be fun to tell EP about it today in my appt!😂

Yesterday, I got more exercise than I have in a long time and wasn’t surprised to feel rumblings at bedtime and get a couple of “Unclassified” Kardia readings.

I took 50 mg Flec+Arnica and it settled right down.

If you decide to try Arnica, don’t wait more than 15 minutes after taking Flec. You do need that space after taking Flec, food or water before taking the remedy.

This has been such a wonderful discovery! Let me know if you decide to try it.


in reply to

I've only been diagnosed for just over a year and only managed to get flecainide by going privately to a lovely EP guy in Bristol (who originally didn't believe I had AF and who I found through this forum!) He told me to get a Kardia (and thus a far smarter phone than I had previously been used to) and there I was- sent him the first dodgy ECG and I definitely had it! I only take 50mg tablets and have only once needed to take a second one. When the episodes started occuring more often he suggested taking the flecainide regularly but the first time I took a pill when I was fine, it made me feel dreadful and increased my blood pressure so I wont be doing that any more! At first I was given Bisioprolol 2.5mg to take as a PIP and a GP said it was best to take them daily. I started taking half the dose 1.25mg but after a few days I was feeling exhausted and a lovely pharmacist told me to go to the doc and get off the stuff immediately as another doc at the surgery did- my heart rate was far too low! They still suggested taking them as a PIP but at that time I didn't know that AF was a fast irregular heartbeat so I took the wretched stuff when it was just an ectopic and not at all fast with a similar effect- exhausted for days after! I'm not sure we have any Arnica 30 still but shall get some tomorrow if not and try it after the next occasion and see if it speeds things up though this morning's episode ended around half an hour after taking the flecanide which is a lot faster than the usual hour or so. Perhaps I caught it earlier than usual as most of my episodes wake me up in the early hours. I'm looking forward to hearing what your EP has to say about it!

in reply toKaz747

Hiya Kaz,

Lol ! When i used the phrase - 'a hydra headed monster' a religous concept was not in my mind. It just came to me because in my minds eye that's the image that came to me because in the early days (9 years ago in January 2019) I never knew when I was going to get the next savaging from it and it seemed I was getting it from everywhere.


jeanjeannie50 profile image
jeanjeannie50 in reply to

Your story is interesting John. Am I right in thinking that you're saying you haven't had any ablations? If so, there's a chance that everyone who sticks to a diet like yours could be cured or feel lots better by diet and lifestyle changes. Did you also lose weight?


BobD profile image
BobDVolunteer in reply tojeanjeannie50

Jean we have been saying since a presentation at last year's HRC Patient day that life style and dietchanges can be just as effective as any treatment for AF. In fact at one more recent group meeting it was suggested that ablation may not be offered unless life style was addressed, for example morbidly obese people would not benefit from ablation. Of course this politically sensitive idea may be a non starter but one medic was heard to say that it was frustrating doing ablations knowing full well that the patient would be back in AF sooner rather than later.

Bottom line is that with any health related issues we all need to be proactive and do whatever it takes to help ourselves just as John has. We cannot rely on somebody else to cure the in-curable.

jeanjeannie50 profile image
jeanjeannie50 in reply toBobD

Yes, I agree with you Bob. I think lifestyle changes etc have really helped me with my AF.


CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply tojeanjeannie50

Jean - I think the diet issue an interesting one - I prefer to call it nutrition. I didn’t get on with the FODMap diet at all, in fact I think it made me worse, but I know a lot of people who like it. I don’t think there is any certainties but what I do know is that the eating plan I am following at the moment is really helping. Having nutritional support - based on regular blood testing and GI testing has really helped - I have a long history of gut problems resulting in leaky gut. Healing the gut - helps heal the whole body, including the heart.

As you know I am doing my own research in this area and looking at all types of diets there are certain features which are common to nearly all the diets for healthy gut and healthy body I’ve looked at:-

- eliminate sugar - all added sugar - all of the time until you are better and then only in very tiny amounts. Raw honey is OK.

- eliminate ALL processed foods - cook from scratch every time - batch cooking helps - avoid all processed meats especially eg - bacon, sausage, ham, salami etc.

- eat a LOT of green, leafy veg - preferably at every meal, include raw veg as much as you can so Cole-slaws, home fermented veg etc.

- bone broth - easy & cheap to make

- avoid bread unless it is fermented and the gold standard is bread made from sprouted grains

- for many people whole grains, which I know is recommended by NHS eating plan is NOT a good idea, grains generally can be a irritant

- eat plenty of protein and fat (yes it’s good for you in the right forms)

- cut starchy vegetables - most root veg - to a small portion and make them starch resistant by cooking, cooling and reheating - gut loves that and you don’t absorp as much of the starches.

- increase the healthy fat in your diet by eating plenty of nuts, avacados, oily fish etc

I am also deeply into fermenting especially kefir - wonderful stuff - but my kitchen and utility is becoming a little taken over. Once you look at the research and the science - it all starts to make so much sense.

And use organic produce as much as possible, not always possible but I now make none organic the exception not the rule. We are so lucky in Devon that we have easy access to farm shops or markets selling high quality grass fed meat, great fresh fish and wonderful, quality veg.

You don’t have to follow a diet per se - just adjust your eating plan. Sadly I haven’t lost much weight - I lost a stone and have now plateaued and I could do with losing a lot more weight but my nutritionist is worried that I’m not eating enough. 😆


jeanjeannie50 profile image
jeanjeannie50 in reply toCDreamer

Hi CDreamer

My reply to John has done exactly as I wanted, which was to trigger some excellent responses for members of the forum as to what will help them reduce their AF. Both yourself and BobD have given valuable information, which I totally agree with. I have a great respect and admiration for you both and your vast knowledge. Helpful posts need to be repeated often, as a reminder and to advise new members.


TamlaMotown profile image
TamlaMotown in reply tojeanjeannie50

Good response Jeanjeannie. As a new AFIBBER I am learning so much from the experienced members of the forum. I would like to thank you all for the time you all take to explain things. AF episodes still terrify me & I had a course of CBT which helped somewhat but not as much as the help I get from here. It's been a god send to me & helps my sanity. You all deserve a pat on the back 🤗

Maura5 profile image
Maura5 in reply toCDreamer

I have taken note of this, very helpful, thank you!

in reply toCDreamer

CD, you've described just about all of the factors I've discovered over the years that have helped me so much in general and in dealing with AF. Though I don't do so well with fermented foods.

The info on FODMAPs has been invaluable for me; I don't do well with them and just realized that drinking too much coconut water likely played a role in my discomfort yesterday. There really is no wiggle room with these matters. At the same time, I appreciate how much simpler it is for me to shop for food and plan my diet. I now know what works and what doesn't.

In addition, I've learned from Traditional Chinese Medicine, in which food is treated like medicine. From working with so many Chinese students over the years, I've always sensed this wisdom of food as medicine among many of them that isn't typically present in Western culture.

As my acupuncturist has told me many times, there is quite a close connection between the stomach and the heart, which is why he's always paid close attention to it in treating me.

This is a book that helped me have a better understanding of the basics of Chinese Medicine and what I could adapt from it to help with AF. It's written by Westerners for Westerners. Thought others might find it helpful.

Between Heaven and Earth: A Guide to Chinese Medicine

Thank you for your comment. So helpful.

in reply toCDreamer

Hi CDreamer,

Yes, you are quite right - diet isn't really an appropriate word , nutrition certainly describes the whole concept.

I didn't get on with FODMAPS either, but I found that occasionally if I picked bits from it my I could tolerate it. As they say, its 'horses for courses'.

Yes, I too have eliminated all 'add sugar'. I have experimented here and on occasions have returned to 'added sugar' and my blood pressure has almost instantly rocketed from its current norm of around 126/70 to around 140/90. As soon as I eliminated the 'added sugar' my BP returned, very rapidly, to its normal.

I eliminated 'added salt' from my diet over 20 years ago now.

Yes, again - I've pretty much eliminated processed foods - however, as I like some I use them on a self reward basis, that is if I've been 'good', I reward myself ! Lol.

Although on Warfarin I eat all the green veg, including green leafy veg I like, yes, some every day, some occasionally and I do this as consistently as I can. The worst for me are peas and runner beans. Root veg I hardly ever touch, occasionally carrots.

Yes, no bread, and definately no grains. Rice and rice products for me are great.

Yes too to your second last para about farm shops and quality products, same down here in the far end ( the pointy end ) of Cornwall.

Yes, I too haven't lost weight - but- as I said to Jean recently, that wasn't the plan - the target, the objective was - to calm the gut and therefore calm the heart, and it has worked.

I have often said that if I followed the health mantra of eat 5 or 7 fruit and veg a day I'd be taking up permanent bathroom occupancy.

Anyway, onward and upward.


CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply to

We are all so different - if I don't eat 7-12 veg and fruit I have the opposite bathroom problem, it's all about what works for us personally.

in reply to

I have always had a healthy diet - lots of fresh fruit and veg - no meat but oily fish and no dairy and have always been fit and exercised regularly and not overweight- so I didn't see what diet changes I could make (hadn't had tea or coffee for ages and very little alcohol which I have now given up altogether!). However, I did have a short episode this morning after eating home made organic muesli and fruit and some home made organic bread and honey. What's the problem with bread and oats please? I guess I'm prepared to give it up if it really is a tripper.

in reply to


What I learned from my nutritionist was that I had to give up bread because of issues I had with gluten and wheat. I have had to add to that oats. My system can't cope with them. So I am now gluten, wheat and oats free, even taking that to the ingredients of beer, not just food. Yes, even gluten free gravy. The thing to remember is we and our systems are all different, hence the old saying - one man's meat is another man's poison 😊


in reply to

I'd be sad to give up my home made bread and muesli. I might try a nutritionist but I have had poor experiences with a homeopath, a medical herbalist and a guy who did acupuncture recently so am as unsure of the alternatives as the straight medics!

in reply to

In my view, and experience, a nutritionist is not part of the alternative medicine community, rather a professional who deals exclusively with the digestive system. If you are in Britain I suggest you have a look at the BANT website. BANT is the professional body which covers Nutritionists. Then you can form your own views and it will give you the opportunity to choose one in your own area.

Good luck.


in reply to

Thanks a lot. Someone at my Pilates class a while back recommended a nutritionist who had helped her but when I rang her and told her my diagnosis she was not interested! I'll take a look at the site later and see if I can find someone who might be interested. Glad it is helping you and as we often say- "we are all different"!

in reply tojeanjeannie50

Hiya Jean,

Correct. No cardioversion either. I attended for cardioversion but by that time I had already reverted to NSR. I do remain convinced the speed and accuracy of the original diagnosis by my GP and later East Surrey Hospital has played a major role in my current wellbeing. No, I didn't loose weight. But that wasn't the plan 😊

in reply to

John, this is now my favorite comment in my short time here at the forum. As I've stated elsewhere, I've learned more from this forum than I have in the past 5 years.

I recently came across an audiobook I must've bought years ago by Caroline Myss (mace) on the role of power in healing. Quite interesting. I've come to see that this is the area of focus for me now as I deal with AF.

What strikes me about your story is that it seems that you took a measure of control in your own healing from the outset and quickly learned that the choices you made about diet had an impact on whether or not you'd have an episode. Your story clearly illustrates how you've owned your power in relation to healing AF - which doesn't mean that the AF is "cured." The results you've had show how effective this is.

I do think that half the battle in dealing with AF is these issues of power.

Do I have any power in healing AF? Does my doctor have all the power? Do I blindly follow his directives? (no!) Does the AF episode have complete power over me? Very important issues to resolve.

My EP has said that episodes can't be attributed to anything at all, so it's no use tracking any triggers. If I chose to believe this guy, I'd be powerless in the face of AF.

As I think about Monday, which has me meeting my acupuncturist in the morning and EP in the afternoon (not planned that way!), I'm preparing my questions and how I will best need to advocate for myself. Which mostly involves maintaining the strength to take in their opinions, weigh them, and make my own decisions. Historically, this has not always been easy for me, given the powerful mindset of the EPs and my own vulnerability.

When I reflect on the progress I have made through diet and lifestyle changes, including moving away from some unhealthy relationships, I'm also reminded that the most challenging episodes since my ablation have been the result of a directive a doc gave me that ended up doing me more harm than good.

Your story inspires me to keep advocating for myself and focusing on the importance of lifestyle choices in dealing with AF. Thank you for sharing it, John.

in reply to

Hi Nella,

Well today is Monday and to start with I wish you well with your appointments with your acupuncturist and EP . May the force be with you.

Part of the inner me is out and out 'a rebel'. Always has been, and hopefully always will be.

I suppose the most influential thing for me was a book I read in the 1990's ....... The Miracle of Mind Power by Dan Custer. Whilst the detail has now been mostly lost to me, the principles of using the powers that are inherently within each of us have stayed. It is the principle of owning your own good points and bad points, good health and bad health etc. etc.

In the context of AF I use the medical profession basically as a tool to good health. I decide whats good or me and whats bad for me. I have learned to listen to my body. We have evolved a communication system using the energies within to achieve positive outcomes.

If it helps, I think your approach to assuming responsibility for your own health and well being is correct and if you find that you still need professional health service, medical help, and your existing healthcare practitioners don't see eye to eye with you, then go find someone else who you can establish a sensible rapport with. I have had to do this, particularly since moving to Cornwall. Equally, I've had to fight for my corner and most recently I've had problems getting cataract surgery, so I just went and kicked ass. I wrote to my MP in Westminster, made a number of allegations about the local hospital trust and in a very short order of time I got a definite date for surgery. I also got an apology and even later the head of this trust resigned.... but I can't claim responsibility for that. But my allegations couldn't have helped anyone, except me.

So, may the force be with you.


CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply to

Love Caroline Myss - was the book - "How people heal and why others don't?" She certainly tells it straight! I read a lot of her stuff about 10 years ago and her work on forgiveness and Archytypes was excellent.

I have found that one does have to be pro-active, what one of our doctors calls - an agent in your own healing programme - and that healing and well-being is very different to being cured.

in reply toCDreamer

Hi CD, that's's "Why People Don't Heal and How They Can." Great book. The audiobook I referred to by her is "Three Levels of Power and How to Use Them." Much of what she talks about with regard to power is applied to the context of healing.

Yes, there's a difference between healing and being cured. Very interesting to learn about that.

I'm happy to know that others are familiar with this work and are applying it successfully to dealing with AF. It's inspiring.

Aprilbday profile image
Aprilbday in reply to


I am rolling on the floor in laughter! Re: not trusting AFib! You are right about that too! Thanks for the wonderful laugh!!

CHRISAF18 profile image

I am on the Fodmap Diet because of ibs symptoms which have really worked. No more bloating 6 weeks fab

Reflux has improved. Walk at least 8000 to 10000 a day dog has helped. Retired and taken up hobbies ...painting and now feel I want to do some voluntary work. Mindfulness when I can and it has been better. I guess I am saying changing lifestyle has worked for me and stress is my biggest challenge. Saw a video about the para symptomatic nerves not sure I understood it totally but I added it to Sanjay Gupta fb page.

Ianc2 profile image

Hi thweng

So what do you think after reading all these responses?

Hello Thweng

Do you have AF all the time but the rate is well controlled? Or occasionally or not all?

Your Bisoprolol won’t stop you having episodes. Just slow them down. Or slow your AF down if it is there all the time.

Some of us have paroxysmal AF which means our heart does beat in an irregular fast way on occasions but not all the time so we choose to take a drug that will get things back to normal when needed. Having said that, my episodes are getting more frequent though they do not last very long. I have not found I get on with taking the drug regularly when it is not needed but if I found one that prevented the episodes without making me feel a lot worse I would be happy to go for it!

Janith profile image

I have had two so called episodes ... since being “treated” l have had none? I was diagnosed with paroxysmal afib.

in reply toJanith

What treatment did you get please?

doodle68 profile image

Hello Thweng :-) in the context of AF I wouldn't really use the word 'treat' which means to try to heal or cure. I would say a more suitable word is 'manage' because I think AF is something I will have for the rest of my life so my main objective is to manage/ try to control my episodes it in order to maintain a good quality of life and maybe even to halt any progression from Paroxysmal AF to Permanent AF .

I have been having episodes of P-AF for at least 15 years, only very occasionally and short-lived to begin with so I dismissed them as nothing important. Then they increased in frequency and intensity some lasing up to 15 hours with debilitating symptoms.

With the help of medication (betablockers) and lifestyle changes (no alchohol/weight loss/daily brisk walks/a healthy diet) I have been able to manage/control my P-AF to some extent in that I am not getting as many severe episode as I previously experienced.

I still have occasion episodes. There are two kinds of episodes now , those with noticeable effects like being too breathless to speak, racing irregular heart beat, feeling light-headed and unsteady/shaking to episodes where the only symptom is feeling just slightly odd with an irregular pulse

So although I would say I am managing my P-AF because my quality of life is good and most of the time I am not aware of having it, I know it hasn't gone away and I can have an episode at any time usually for no apparent reason.

I have lost count of the number of episodes I have had, dozens, and so far I have managed them myself at home by staying calm and doing a breathing exercise.

The only medication I have been prescribed so far is anticoagulants and beta blockers.

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More AF episodes

Well the AF episodes seem to be more frequent - 3rd in last 17 days. Not particularly troublesome...
CDreamer profile image

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