Beta blockers.: I've been prescribed a... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Beta blockers.

Gwersey profile image
43 Replies

I've been prescribed a new medication today, Atenolol. I'm to stop taking Bisoprolol and start the new med. For those of you who take Atenolol, if you've got a minute to tell me how you go on with it I'd be grateful.

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Gwersey profile image
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43 Replies
Vonnieruth profile image

How come your swapping meds Gwersey

Gwersey profile image
Gwersey in reply to Vonnieruth

Still getting that horrible sicky dizzy feeling after going to the loo. I don't believe the beta blocker is to blame but you assume the doctor knows what he's doing x

Vonnieruth profile image
Vonnieruth in reply to Gwersey

Well I hope it will help stop those horrible symptoms

trtoothdr profile image
trtoothdr in reply to Gwersey

That's probably a vaso-vagal reaction due to hypotension. The atenolol may be causing your BP to drop too low.

Gwersey profile image
Gwersey in reply to Vonnieruth

Hi Vonnie. How are things with you? I've had a new phone and forgot my password so haven't been on here for a while x

Vonnieruth profile image
Vonnieruth in reply to Gwersey

Not too bad I'm back at work now Stood down from senior role and gone part time on care Hope tablets have helped you feel better Mine seems to have stopped since I came off Ramipril onto lasartan

BobD profile image

That was the only beta blocker I ever took back when Noah and I were at school together. Never had any problems with it at the time but only on it about nine months before ablation. When bisoprolol came along atenolol went out of fashion.

Gwersey profile image
Gwersey in reply to BobD

Reading up on it, it seems to be prescribed mainly for angina and high blood pressure, of which I have neither. In fact my blood pressure is always just above the worryingly low! I am concerned Atenolol may bring it down even further. Also, Dr. Google says it causes cold hands and feet. I already suffer these, even in summertime. I'll discuss these issues with my GP but just wanted a feel of how other people find it.

Mary-miles profile image
Mary-miles in reply to Gwersey

Cold hands and feet for sure.B/P on the low side.Also causes insomnia.Had ablation 2 months ago and slowly weaning off atenolol.I am now down to 12.5 daily and want to try even less in the next month.Having some ectopics(not A fib)so reluctant to stop until I see cardiologist/EP end of October.Thats just my experience.

I've taken Atenolol since 2002. Currently 50mgs once a day. No complaints, except for cold feet.

in reply to

PS, Yes, I take it for high blood pressure control and will discuss it at my next medication review as BP has got quite low in recent months.

Suzy1954 profile image

Hi I’ve recently swapped Bisoprolol for Atenolol. It’s only been 3 weeks. So far so good. I’m not so sluggish but still breathless climbing stairs. Hoping this will improve. I really struggled with Bisoprolol. Best of luck.

Gwersey profile image
Gwersey in reply to Suzy1954

What was your dosage Suzy1954? I mean of Bisoprolol.

Suzy1954 profile image
Suzy1954 in reply to Gwersey

I started on 5 mg but could hardly walk so was reduced to 2.5. Then last year after feeling like walking through mud I reduced it myself to 1.25. Felt better but still struggled climbing stairs or hills. They never really lowered my heart rate much anyway. Hope that helps.

Gwersey profile image
Gwersey in reply to Suzy1954

It has thanks. I've done the same as you, reduced it myself. But since I suffer mainly with ectopic beats, with ocassional fast heartbeats, I feel Bisoprolol isn't helping much and, ideally, I'd like to use it as PIP but don't know if that's feasible.Perhaps I'll phone the cardiology nurse at the hospital on Monday and ask.

Suzy1954 profile image
Suzy1954 in reply to Gwersey

Sounds like a plan. I’m on beta blockers purely for AF. Hope you get sorted.

wilsond profile image
wilsond in reply to Gwersey

My to said I could use bisoprolol as a Pill or gradually stop it,so I stopped taking it but will.keep some in in case I get fast AF..rarely do. My blood pressure has been stable for ages,take losartan for that and think the bisoprolol was taking me down too often 45_50 . Hope this helps,don't know about atenolol,a!though my mum took it for years.

Gwersey profile image
Gwersey in reply to wilsond

Have you used it as a PIP yet? How long does it take to work on AF when in fast HR?

wilsond profile image
wilsond in reply to Gwersey

Yes,once.It took abou 20 minutes but did the trick.Id rather not take it at all but better this way I think.x

Gwersey profile image
Gwersey in reply to wilsond

Thanks wilsond. I'm going to give it a go.

Gwersey profile image
Gwersey in reply to wilsond

I've just flicked through your bio. Are you still on Flecanide too? Or other heart meds?

Chicohamilton profile image
Chicohamilton in reply to Suzy1954

I did the exact same thing!!! Unfortunately still on 1.25mg - looking for an alternative or quitting it altogether as in also on 160/25mg co-diovan

Suzy1954 profile image
Suzy1954 in reply to Chicohamilton

Hi. I can’t see the problem with trying a different drug. If Atenolol doesn’t end up suiting me I will go back and ask to try something else. I know I have to give them a chance though. Could you go back to GP or cardiologist and request something different Chico?

meadfoot profile image

I have been on atenolol since April 2009. Initially had some hair loss and was slowed down. However as I worked full time and dashed around every day madly it's little wonder I felt slowed. Not had any problems with it and would choose it over bisoprolol any day. Hope it helps you. Good luck.

jennydog profile image

I was given Atenalol when first diagnosed. It did nothing for me. Then Amiodarone ( what were they thinking? ) then Soltalol, then bisoprolol up to 10 strength, then ablation. Now on 2.5 bisoprolol which reduces my heart rate from 80ish to 65.

I cannot remember any specific side effects. They had me take Tildium, a calcium channel blocker at one stage. It causes swollen ankles & constipated - big style!

betsea profile image

Switched to Atenolol because it is the only beta blocker recommended for those with asthma or other breathing problems. I take it for heart rate control. I take 12.5mg once a day.

Mary-miles profile image
Mary-miles in reply to betsea

Do you take it for A Fib or ectopics.Thanks

betsea profile image
betsea in reply to Mary-miles

I take it for heart rate control because of Afib. But I'm sure it helps with etpotics too

Sillysunshine profile image

I was on atenolol, was one of the better ones for me. The only real problem I had on this medication was constant dreams / nightmares.

Steven9000 profile image
Steven9000 in reply to Sillysunshine

I was the opposite...less nightmare and more relaxed sleep during the nights! Feel so much relaxed during the day and wanting to sleep more...that’s a great feeling since

sirey profile image

I have been on 50mgs daily for years and haven’t had a problem with it. Hope it helps you.

Abbey2 profile image
Abbey2 in reply to sirey

Hi Sirey,I have been on Atenolol for 15 years and yes my hands and feet are cold .but other than than it’s been all good.i did take 75 mg but I was fainting because My heart rate was way to slow so My Cardiologists cut it down to 50mg and I have had no problems..good luck

Anxiousarabella profile image
Anxiousarabella in reply to Abbey2

Hi Abbey2 - how low did your heart rate go? I have just been put on atenolol 75mg and my hr has been at 40 and I feel that this is too low?

noviceAFIB profile image

Just FYI. Recently started on Carvedilol (Coreg); upon studying beta blockers in general, I was surprised to find that some beta blocker are strong antioxidants: Propanolol, Nebivilol, Carvedilol, and Celiprolol.

If your AFIB is Apnea-induced, you may find these 2 references on Coreg useful.



Lastly, from,

Carvedilol is approximately 10 fold more potent as an antioxidant than vitamin E.

Several metabolites of carvedilol most notably SB-209995, are extremely potent antioxidants,

being 30 to 80 fold more potent than carvedilol and up to 1000 fold more potent than vitamin E...

pwoody profile image

Hi Gwersey. I took Atenalol for years for high blood pressure. However, when I was diagnosed with AF last November, after a couple of months due to my blood pressure being too high, was switched to Bisoprolol which has lowered my BP. Whilst on Atenalol I did not have any noticeable side effects and thought it was a good drug.

Bmwpaul1971 profile image

Hi. I would be interested in this swop. I take bisoprolol 5mg for svt and mad ectopics which it does not control the ectopics at all. I am seeing the cardiologist soon so going to ask for a change

Gillybean123 profile image

I have never been on it. But my hubby was on it for many years he never had any side effects or problems. Got d Luck.

bear5814 profile image

One of the nasty side effects of a beta blocker for me was frequent extrasystoles (extra ventricular beats) which were very uncomfortable. Just so you are aware of the cause if it happens.

goldey profile image

My cat has been on Atenolol since he was 6 months old (2004) because he has hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. It has allowed him to live a good life, he will be 14 next month, you can't even tell that he is sick. The kitty cardiologist I saw with him told me that Atenolol works by slowing the heart a bit and allowing an extra tiny period of time between heartbeats. This allows a little more rest between beats and therefore the heart is working a little less. I myself was put on Bisoprolol in June for MY AFib (I also have a pacemaker and defibrillator). I haven't noticed any side effects of any kind.

Bolander profile image

I took Atenolol for at least twenty years with no apparent side effects. I suspect I was changed to Bisoprolol simply because it was thought old fashioned and then Sotalol because of problems with Amiodarone.

reinaway profile image

Same as Bolander I Atenalol for 20 years with no problems and then was switched to a different beta blocker because Atenalol was deemed old fashioned and that is when the AF started so I say go ahead because I wish I'd never stopped!😕

haltemprice profile image

Hi Gwersey sorry i am still on Biosprolol had it reduced to 2.5 mg after tests showed heart stopping for 6 seconds plus but no change of meds

swansong75 profile image

I switched the opposite way 3 months ago and have not been right since! Atenolol gave me no problems whatsoever but my G.P. said it was an outdated treatment and switched me to Bisoprolol. In days I had my first ever AF and since then Ive got Reflux and general feeling unwell . Still seeing G.P to try and sort this.

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