I have recently had my pre op for my forthcoming cataract operation. The surgeon is extremely experienced and happens to be acquainted with my EP. I am seeing him privately and as such had a private script for 3 lots of eye drops that my GP converted to NHS. All but one that is, as he said it was a 'red drug' and could only be prescribed by a consultant using an NHS prescription pad. I found out today, from the nurse at the surgery, that it was most likely the cost that was preventing him. So I went on the Internet to find out how much and then found out that it is an NSAID drug and as such I shouldn't take it as there is a risk of it bringing on AF.
I immediately e mailed the surgeon who has just responded saying that under the circumstances no, I shouldnt! What about if I hadn't have known that though. Thank goodness for this Forum.
Guess Ill have more pain after op now though...😒