Hi all
Following a stay in hospital, I was eventually diagnosed with paroxysmal Afib on 1 October this year after 18 months of symptoms. I found this forum & posted about my anxiety of getting this diagnosis & received much advice & support, so I’m back for more!
Since 1 October I’ve been taking Fleicanide (50 mg x 2 daily) & Rivaroxaban (20 mg daily) & have had no palpitations whatsoever, can’t believe it, heart is ticking along nicely, although faster than it used to (averaging 75-80 bpm). Fleicanide seems to be a wonder drug! However for the last 3 days I’ve been feeling unwell, actually feel as if I’m having an Afib episode but without the palpitations, have the pounding in my ears, feeling of heat in my chest & generally lethargic, exactly as I used to get with an episode. My question is this, could it still be an episode even though I’m taking the Fleicanide?
I’d also be interested to know if anyone else experiences the feeling of pounding in their ears, I’m wondering if this is a symptom of Afib? It drives me to distraction, 24/7 constant pounding, stops me sleeping even though I have relaxation music through my headphones. My GP dismissed it when I mentioned it to him.
I should have had a follow up outpatient appointment with the cardiologist at the beginning of December, I have a list of questions ready for him, but no sign of anything even though I’ve chased it up.
I think I was just about getting my head around this thing, but this has set me back, feel like I’ll never be able to forget about it & get on with my life.
Perhaps I should also add that for the past year I’ve had no alcohol (not even at Xmas!) & drink decaf tea & coffee as I know these could be triggers for Afib.
Thanks for reading this