Hi guys, does anyone know what to use instead of topical corticosteroids which trigger afib, to get some relief from a photodermatitis that is annoying me much with ithcing.
treatment of photodermatitis without ... - Atrial Fibrillati...
treatment of photodermatitis without corticosteroids

Hi ornella, oh I sympathise with the itching, having had eczema all my life. I didn’t know that topical corticosteroids triggered AF? Or is that just a trigger for you? I have my steroid creams on repeat prescription - no GP or EP has queried it in relation to AF and I had a recent review of meds with my pharmacist, who didn’t mention it either. I’ll have to ask specifically!! But I can’t imagine not using steroid creams. I think I’ve read that oral steroids come with interaction warnings- but even then I know there’s times they’re essential for some conditions.
I’ll be interested to hear people’s replies. And I’d recommend asking your pharmacist for advice, if you haven’t already? Some people take antihistamines to subdue itching - but I'm personally wary of that because of their potential to cause arrhythmia side effects. It’s so difficult isn’t it?! Hope you get some help - and relief from the itching X
Thanks JaneFinn, it seems that almost everything is a trigger for my AF so I am reluctant to try. they say that kind of dermatitis subsides by itself after the skin gets tanned but until then it is very uncomfortable indeed.
My herbalist swears by chickweed ointment - never tried it myself but I was going to get some for Hubbie who had eczema like rash on his back which the corticosteroids ointment didn’t seem to help but it then cleared up. You may have to go to a specialist herbal retailer who has a qualified herbalist on site - a lot of the Covent Garden shops do - to get itl
Sorry I meant - Neal’s Yard! Duh!