Oh my what a ride . Found out I had afib 5 months ago. Made all the appointments. Had a failed cardio version 2 months ago and the doc left before I even woke up. He did tell my wife it failed but I had nothing to worry about. Never herd back from him so I called in yesterday to find out my next step. Doc first said my cv worked —— I replied no I’m still in afib —- he changed his mind ( must have been looking a another chart). Then he tell me I have a weak heart 35 percent ef. He said he told me this already. That’s total bs cause last time we talked was befor the cv and he said my afib is nothing to worry about bp and rate is good.
Waiting to schedule a cat scan. Sooo frustrating. HMO in California. My symptoms are cold hands and feet. Short breath when up stairs. Major anxiety
Meds. Prodaxa stoped taking diltizem cuase with diet change my bp is good.
I’m now freaking out cause of the low ef 35 percent?