Today has been 5 days since my ablation and I asked my doctor the day after what my timeline on restrictions were and he said you have none. So my question is how long should I wait to do activities that involves work. I seem to be getting around pretty good with walking and light house cleaning stuff but I can tell when I'm pushing it. I know everyone's body is different but what is some advice from anyone on this subject. Do I chill out for awhile or do I just listen to my body??
After Ablation Activities: Today has... - Atrial Fibrillati...
After Ablation Activities

3 months of light only exertion! We all feel like we can do much more but the general impression is that those who wait longer have better outcomes. Of course this is just a feeling with no proven trial but to my mind taking it easy with just light walking and so on isn't a hardship and far better than AF returning.
After having three ablations and reading this forum, I'd say take it easy for a few weeks and then build up very slowly. Certainly don't exert yourself for a while and when you know you've had enough stop and rest. Don't push yourself, but at the same time don't just sit around. Very short walks on the level after the first week and build up gradually to a little more, but only if you feel up to it.
You'll get good days, when you think 'I'm cured"' and then others when you feel drained and wonder why you feel that way. It's normal.
I can tell your doctor has never had an ablation! I asked my EP's Registrar how soon after my first ablation could I start climbing mountains. He replied with 'After a day or two'. Huh, fat lot he knew and was another one who'd certainly never had an ablation.
Best wishes
I felt pretty good 7 days after my ablation, but felt there was no harm in being extra-cautious. You are hoping that ablation is a long term fix; why risk anything for the sake of an extra week or two of taking it easy?
After a month my cardiologist told me I could start running and doing more strenuous exercise. I waited until 2 months, and it's only now (at 3 months) that I'm doing exercise that leaves me out of breath. I'm going to start playing football again soon. I'm pleased I took a patient road to recovery.
Do nothing the first week and not much more the second, no heavy lifting and take it easy for a month or two.
Yes listen to your body your heart has to heal, the scar tissue from the ablation needs to heal which can take up to 9 months
Is it normal to feel palpitations and mild flutter feelings, its been 7 days since my procedure
Yes it's all part of the healing process, as the scar tissue forms in your heart over a long period, these palps, flutter should get less and less as your heart heals, if you are concerned how you are healing then of course contact your arrhythmia nurse for advice.
I'd say chill for as long as possible. I felt fine after the first week and gradually upped my activities during the second. At the start of week three I pushed a heavy powered mower up hill, without starting the motor, and went into flutter. Could have been a coincidence; the thing is I'll never know. Six weeks out and waiting for a cardioversion I wish I had given my heart longer to recover.
Best wishes
Thanks everyone
Had mine Tues....doc said lay low for a week.