My doctor said, I can do light exercise two weeks after the ablation. So yesterday I felt good and I went out for a slow jog and my heart rate shot up to 150BPM from 60BPM during the jog. However, my heart rate stuck at 150BPM hours after I stopped. During the night, it was around 120BPM and now, it's around 100BPM. I am wondering why does it take this long? Before the procedure, I worked up my heart to 170BPM, but few minutes after I stopped, it went down to 60. Does anyone experience the same? Thanks,
heart rate stuck high for a long time - Atrial Fibrillati...
heart rate stuck high for a long time

Raised heart rate post ablation is very common. In my view any jogging two weeks post ablation is far too soon as well. For goodness sake give your heart time to recover and listen to your body.
How long after the ablation can you return to proper cardio, Bob?
You shouldn't ask me that question as I have strong views about over exercise. One needs to stay well within one's comfortable limits for quite some months I would say if the exercise was the cause of the AF as with many athletes. OK I know it is a form of addiction to some but we all have to make life choices sometimes .
I had a suspicion you were going to say that. I've been doing 45-50 minutes on an elliptical machine, going quite hard. That's not too bad, right? It's not exactly Navy Seal training but I'll be sure to rein it in for a while after I have the procedure...Thanks Bob.
I would suggest that you need a complete reset in your thinking about cardio if you do not want to seriously affect your recover - have a look at what is done to your heart during an ablation and you will understand why it takes months to heal and you should treat it accordingly.
So would I EVER be able to go back to doing the 45 minute stint on an elliptical? Are you saying I would just have to wait a few months?
Thanks dmac.
Provided you wait a few months and give yourself the best recovery you can to let the scars on your heart heal there is no reason I can think of that would stop you getting gradually back to where you were - but I would certainly take that time to give yourself the best possible future - you dont have to be on here long to see that patience pays off in recovery ...
You are probably doing too much too soon. Walking gently but not jogging is as much as I would do if I were you.
I had a similar experience last year and in the end it stayed in what I now know to have been Atrial Tachycardia. In the end I had to have another ablation. All is well now except some missed beats from time to time.
If your symptoms continue call your Arrythmia Nurse or Doctor and get advice.
Doctors do seem to quote very short recovery times.
I've just started doing "proper" exercise again; cardio that gets me out of breath and some 5aside football. I waited til 3 months after my ablation, and even now I'm pushing myself less than I would normally do after return from injury.
This is for long term. Short term patience for long term benefit.