Thanks to all of the poeple on here for making me feel so welcome. After my last post where after 5 years of paraxosimal Af culminating in the past 5 weeks in and out of hospitial, frustrated and worn out, finally some light at the end of the tunnel.
I contacted Dr Steven Murray at Freeman Newcastle after researching and asking as much as I could on recommendation and reputation on the best course of action , and got a super quick appointment within a week after contacting him direct . Went today and after quick ecg confirmed still in af, he's said I'm a great candidate for an ablation and he's pretty condifident he can help. Got to say what a nice chap he is , very open and honest. Now on the waiting list and also make myself available for any cancellation just so ready for this after this latest bout of af . He says cryo is less likely to cause other damage to the heart as other methods can, wonder what others views on this are? , sounded informed.
Waiting game now or pay private see what's offered first before deciding.
Discussed magnesium etc and he said he was an Advocate of anything that helps keep the beast calm, and in chatting he had heard of the magnesium taurate brand I use helping fellow af sufferers, not one negative thing I could say he made during our long conversation .
Just pleased I found a good ep who seems caring, not arrogant and really does inspire confidence, and thanks again to all who replied to my dark weeks I've had hopefully light at the end of the tunnel.