Hi I have PAF I’m 44 I have had it since aged 37 when I had pneumonia and was in coronary care for 7 days. With the weather been hot this Saturday I was only walking a short distance of about 5 minutes when I felt faint and funny I stopped and had to get a taxi to take me the rest of the distance to the park with my two children. Has this happened because of my PAF ? I don’t seem to be able to tolerate the heat and sun anymore even though I’m not out in it for hours . Will this be because of my heart ? Thanks julie
Feeling funny and faint with sun - Atrial Fibrillati...
Feeling funny and faint with sun

Hi Julie in personal experience the heat does increase my heart rate - especially when I over-heat, as when walking in it or sunbathing for too long. We need to make sure we keep well hydrated, as dehydration can bring on an episode of AF. I always where a sun hat too. The hot/warm weather can certainly take it out of you - although it’s so welcome after a long cold winter.
Best wishes Ally

I suggest that you are not adequately hydrated. AF tends to make us Pee more anyway which exacerbates the problem. This weather you need to drink AT LEAST 2 litres of WATER a day. This must not include tea or coffee which generally reduced net hydrataion due to the caffeine effect.
Thanks for the info. It's the first time anyone has mentioned that you have to pee more with AF. I'd thought I was imagining it!!!!
The distressed heart releases an enzyme which causes the body to shed salt . Hence you pee more.
Thanks for the reply I wasn’t in af at the time and I thought I was hydrated but maybe not. Interesting re pee I always wondered when I had an af episode and was in a and e why I wanted the toilet all the time.
Hi Julie, there's no telling when AF will strike or how long it will go on for. Lots of sufferers of AF have reported on this forum that they have passed out or had the feeling that they were going to. Sometimes low blood pressure can do the same thing. It's a horrible feeling isn't it? As Ally has said it's important to drink plenty of fluids, especially when it's hot weather.
Are you taking any medication?
Just a thought. I had funny turns last summer in Spain, including one where I was able to do a check (with regards to AF anyway). My blood pressure was fine, my INR was in range, my heart rate was raised but in NSR. Yet I felt most peculiar and 'spaced out'. I didn't think I was dehydrated, and I came to the conclusion that it was hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) which I had checked out a few years ago with similar but more severe symptoms. I always carry dextrose tablets with me when out walking in the UK but didn't have any in Spain. Maybe as a young busy Mum you don't eat enough, I know I tend to miss meals unless they are put in front of me!