Hi , I have been on Apixaban for nearly 2 years and have developed increasing peripheral neuropathy / changes to my sensory nerves. I do have a history of back issues and have wondered whether the sensory changes are related to my back but I am concerned that it could be the Apixaban ? Has anyone experience of these same symptoms?
Apixaban and Nerve changes. ? - Atrial Fibrillati...
Apixaban and Nerve changes. ?

I experienced the same thing. But after taking flecenaide and anxiety meds for a few weeks. It's an ugly sensation. Like I have a sticky film on my fingers. I stopped taking all meds a month ago. It is slowly getting better. But I still get the sensations, and the palms of my hands will get blisters.
Hi Cabrrt,
I too have developed a tingling sensation I then fi gets of my left hand and a dragging feeling in the same arm, but it developed since I have up Apixaban and I no longer take Flecanide. The migraine with aura which i wrote about previously seems to have stopped. If the sensation is in your hands only could it be a case of carpel tunnel syndrome. I intend to follow it up with my doctor just the same. Are your feet also affected? Hope you sort it out . Best if luck!
It is not in my hands, just feet and a tight skin sensation in my back. It sounds ridiculous but it’s unsettling and I wonder if it’s the drug. I can’t stop the drug but it is important to know if these are possible SE.
My concern would be to have your renal function checked out. The NOACs can and do cause kidney damage and that is hy you have to be monitored for it. Reduced kidney function can cause tingling in extremities etc. Hope it isn't this.
My nerve changes are mainly in my feet and some sensory changes in my skin on my back. I am really not sure if related. Have had nerve studies done and no real concerns. The drug is relatively new so I am curious if it could be a contributing factor.
Hi, I take Pradaxa and have the same sensations in my feet and hands. I also suffer from burning feet syndrome. I mentioned all this to my doctor but all he said was “let’s get your heart sorted first”!

Yes, frustrating. My hands are ok but have had burning in toes. It would be good to know if this is a common occurrence. Thanks for your reply. Hope your heart does get sorted too.
Yes I am on Apixaban and get burning in my toes and feet, I have also noticed more aches and pains in my legs and hips which I have put down to taking this drug. However, my AF seems to be under control so I am reluctant to ask to change this drug. Best of luck to you.
Hi Cabert,
Sorry about the predictive text misspellings earlier! Tingling in one's fingers can be caused by a trapped nerve, however I had an ablation over 9 months ago and like you was on Apixaban. What is interesting is the fact that it's got a lot worse since I gave up the Apixaban! You did mention having back problems, so I guess we would benefit checking out the physical symptoms first before we consider the drugs as a causative factor.
Yes exactly. Agree. What I don’t know is whether it increases the nerve sensitivity?.