What the best things to do when your having palpitations I have paf but it’s horrible and scary
Palpatations: What the best things to... - Atrial Fibrillati...

Can I suggest you find Dr Sangay Gupta's videos on palpitations in YouTube....most people think that deep and slow breathing helps......

Thank you
Relax and know they will pass and although they feel horrible they are only sensations. Dr Gupta made the point in one of his videos that there is FEELING ill and BEING ill.
Hi Ottis, after 4 months stopped drinking coffee, I stopped on the way to work and got a cup. When I arrived at work, my heart was beating extremely fast and very discomfort. I went to the breakroom and drank two large cups of ice water, the palpitations stopped immediately. So try ice water to see if it works for you.
I have often felt these feelings you describe and having had to cope with it for more than 25 years with PAF I totally understand how desperate it can make you each time particularly if you are aware of the symptoms.
Try your best to relax, I tend to lay down, listen to some soothing music and take slow deep breaths in and out.
Remember PAF stands for Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation which means it comes and GOES. It does go and it is not life threatening.
Take the advice to watch Dr Sanjay Gupta’s videos, they are worth their weight in gold.
Try also to get some help and advice from your EP if you can.
It’s truly horrible.
The first thing is to tell yourself that it doesn’t last and you will get through it.
I always lay down on my right side and try to breathe calmly.
It helps if you can concentrate on something else - a pleasant memory is my favourite. Really concentrate on it and tell yourself the palpitations will pass.
Each time your mind tells you to be scared, breathe, relax and stay calm - it will pass.
Every time you cope with a bout of palpitations, treat it like a small victory and you can then get back to living your life.
Regulate your breathing, slow and regular and listen to some gentle music and try and clear your mind of all thoughts.
I try two types of vagal manoeuvre, bearing down and drinking ice water. If those don’t work I sit quietly and play a game on my tablet to occupy my thoughts. Nothing timed but something that involves you thinking.
My last two episodes of SVT,Ihave managed to stop by continuously coughing,it gives me a sore throat,but stops the pal patio so...give it a try ,good luck...
Sorry,palpitations !!
Tai Chi breathing may help.... rest tongue tip on upper palate breathe in through the nose out through the mouth. Slowly and gently and standing in a relaxed posture. Try it for a couple of mins. Good luck.
Stay calm and breath and practice meditation and it will pass. Easy to say I know as I have paf too or you can just carry on with what you were doing like I went on with a Tai Chi class a few weeks back and then to a cafe with friends for lunch- just gently. I mean to look at the videos mentioned below too and there was something on this site from a chiropractor who suggested leaning against a wall!