I'm having same issue of itchy painful bumps, welts and sores from so called "hypoallergenic" gel electrodes with a tens unit. I've tried several brands with same results. Would like to know what ingredients are in gel that causes this allergic reaction. I have no other allergies. Need answers. Thanks
What ingredients in electrode gel are... - Atrial Fibrillati...
What ingredients in electrode gel are making it so skin reactive and painful?

This is the AF forum you posted to - so don’t think this is the best one - maybe you will get more responses if you seek out a pain forum?
Can you not google the gel brand to find the list of ingredients?
CDreamer So sorry was unaware of this forum's exclusive use for AF. As can be seen below by a helpful responder someone already tried contacting electrode manufacturers but was refused the list of ingredients.
AF sufferers are also subjected to testing wearing gel electrodes getting identical nasty itchy painful sores just likeTENS users .I'd like to share some research . Liquid spray bandage from CVS or Waldgreens seems to work as well as Opsite spray and is much less expensive. Have a nice day!!
it was more that i wasn't sure if you would get any responders - seems it is an issue for quite a few!
I was under the impression that ingredients had to be disclosed - so that you could avoid certain known antagonists - it appears not.
Not good!
Just had a thought. I have occasionally had redness at the sites where EKG electrodes have been placed though not serious enough to look into as they fade after I'm home. It's upsetting that they won't release their ingredients. Perhaps there is a way to report this. I don't know-just a shot in the dark. But the point of my post is to suggest that maybe you are allergic to latex-not an uncommon allergy. The hard part will be finding out if this is an ingredient in the gel. Maybe this will give you a starting point for finding a solution. Also- no harm in posting here-as electrodes are commonly used with cardiac patients. But for your benefit maybe also looking into 'dermatitis/skin diseases' site. Good luck getting to the bottom of your problem. Take care. irina1975
I have a severe allergic reaction to heart monitor stickers.
My dermatology consultant wrote to the gel manufacturers so she could do patch tests on me.
They refused to release info on the ingredients.
Not good I agree.
....I also had a reaction to heart monitor stickers, they left angry red patches that were very sore and took days to go.
I now have to have “Opsite” sprayed on my skin prior to each procedure. Last time the Anaesthetist also gave me intravenous steroids.
It seems that the only answer is prevention as there is no cure.
Me too
Thanks Pete I will remember that next time...
I have had the same reaction each time I've needed monitoring. I've asked if there's an alternative but had the same reaction with the two I've tried. It took three weeks for my skin to heal when I had a monitor for seven days. Aveeno helped ease the tenderness but nothing I tried helped much with the healing process.
My GP gave me some cream and it worked wonders think it had cortisone in it
As I often say we are all different.
For me Aveno and Hydrocortisone creams also give me no relief sometimes causing severe irritation.
I had steroid tablets before one ablation and had an allergic reaction to them too delaying my ablation by 2 months.
For me a specific anaesthetist and Opsite were the only successful solution.