Can someone tell me where I can find the technician report on a Kardia ECG I submitted for the paid report? I assumed it would come by email. It's been about an hour (promise is "30 minutes") but it has not arrived in my email and I can't see where to find it on the Kardia mobile gadget. It was nowhere near the "normal" pattern I'm used to, but was all over the place . . . yet was labeled as normal. So I submitted it for the $9 report. Then took another ECG, which was partly normal-looking and partly all over the place . . . this time called "undetermined."
Technician report from Kardia - Atrial Fibrillati...
Technician report from Kardia

It does not, as you would expect, come in email. If you go back to the HISTORY, and see that EKG, underneath it it will say Analysis Reports once it comes in.
Thanks so much, SRMGrandma! Followed your clear directions but with no success. All I get when I click on Analysis Reports is this: "Overread Report" PDF file. Wondering what on earth is an Overread Report!? Tapping on either the two mystery words or the "PDF file" results in nothing at all. On top of this, I haven't received any email telling me my report is ready. This happened once before, when I was a new user and I never did receive a report (but the charge showed up on my Visa statement right away). This time, my ECG was so odd-looking I thought I'd give them another chance. Feeling frustrated right now! Wondering if the fact that I have only basic membership makes any difference, but if that were the case, surely I would not be charged for a report.
Hi Nanfranz, when I submitted one a couple of days ago, I got an email telling me it was available to review about 8 hours after submission (I reviewed it in the Kardia). The description you give of the one you submitted sounds much like mine, which I posted about under the title Kardia tachycardia. DrDave has kindly responded and cleared up my confusion relating to it, and it may be of assistance to you

Reward9 -- many thanks for your input on this. Your own ECG readout looks so like the one I was concerned about, and DrDave's explanation has been most helpful. A great help -- Thank You! I still haven't received any email re the report I asked (and paid) for, and receive nothing but "Overread Report" (what??) when I follow links to find it on Kardia. Grr.
Many thanks, DrDave01! I have forwarded the three recordings taken within a few minutes of each other.
Dr Dave -- Thanks so much for your incredibly fast response to the three recordings I sent, and for the assurance that your explanations give. I've learned something today (and it's only 7:00 am where I am!), and I appreciate your helpful availability very much!