I have been in normal sinus until 3days ago getting jumping heart chest feels heavy like us all I have been busy and hardly resting I feel quite uneasy. Any ideas and Merry Christmas
AF Ablation 4months ago: I have been in... - Atrial Fibrillati...
AF Ablation 4months ago

This sounds very like my post- ablation experience. Three years later I still have occasional mild AF with some ectopics. 100 strength flecainide as a pill-in-the- pocket is a God send. I find that steady, controlled breathing is a huge help. I count 7 in through the nose and 11 out through the mouth.
Try to pace yourself, avoid stress and stay clear of food and alcohol which you know are not helpful by past experience. ( I am suspicious of huge sugar rushes. Alcohol doesn't figure as I don't like it.)
Best wishes for a good Christmas.

As jennydog plus please drink more water. It is very important to stay well hydrated so go a drink a pint of water right now.
Relax and enjoy .
Hello Sue
It sounds like you may be worried that you have slipped back in to AF.
Well maybe you have. But that would not be so unusual 4 months after ablation.
It will settle down. But it will take longer if you take on too much right now. And perhaps what is more significant is that for many of us, focusing too much on our heart can prolong the episode.
I don't think a period of AF, if that is what it is, at this stage means that you will have a significant AF load in the future. I had your experience at a similar stage, but very little trouble for the next 4 years. And if you do there are plenty of ways to deal with that.
So try to slow down, think of things to take your mind off your heart and to remind you what Bob said, plenty of water to counter the dehydrating effect of wine, tea, coffee and some medications. Maybe a walk, meet up with friends.
I totally get why you might be worried, we all have in the early stages. But it gets better, we get used to it, we make changes in our lifestyle, we inform ourselves and we find a knowledgeable and empathic GP for medication tailored to our specific situation.
We learn to take charge of our problem, rather than let it take charge of us.
Hi sue , it must be that 4 months mark . I changed my magnesium and put it down to that , however are you still on your beater blockers? I ask this because I have seen a pattern after my ablation procedure 4 months ago that my heart goes wobbly about 15-20 mins after taking my 5mg dose in the morning. Under my EPs instructions I have dropped my dose to 2.5 starting today. I will see how I go , when I stoped my beater blocker 5 days before my procedure I had a ruff 2 days then the last 3 days were the best my heart has felt in years . I am in no way telling you to stop medication only asking if your still on the beater blocker for your symptoms and to see if maybe we are not needing such a high dosage anymore. To be honest I think mine is definitely vagal as today’s dinner started me having the usual ectopic beats. Hope your ok sue and try take it easy ❤️
Thankyou Sam I am still on a high dose of diltizem and blood thinners going back to st barts hospital for check up in may.
I had some oddities this Christmas due to stress. But when I used the kardia and then google to see what the ekg was seemed more like ectopics which even healthy people can have. Not afib or flutter.
So possible it was just passing ectopics.