4 weeks on and things still seem to be going ok. Am getting a few ectopics here and there and sometimes I can feel my heart beat going a little bit fast but then returns to normal, and my Kardia tells me I’m in NSR. Also seem to have 5 or 6 days of feeling good and then a day where I feel quite tired, but all in all feeling good, suppose it’s all par for the course.
4 weeks post flutter ablation - Atrial Fibrillati...
4 weeks post flutter ablation

All sounding good jobristol.....just take it as easy as possible and enjoy the improvement. I have no personal experience of a flutter only ablation, but all the things you mention seem perfectly normal .....best wishes, John
Pleased to hear you're doing well, long may that continue. It sounds like your heart is trying to go into AF but the results of the ablation are stopping it. That should improve as your heart continues to heal. Best wishes.
That sounds really good,long may it continue.
Really pleased for you.
Thanks Jane, hope you’re doing ok.
Yes Jo I am doing a lot better, breathing has got easier and no full blown AF, just conscious of it in background.Dr. Barman got arrhythmia nurse to phone me on Tues to see how I was and is going to send appt to come to BRI for another scan of phrenic nerve and then move forward after results ( I am already on list for 2nd ablation) so I will see what he thinks after scan results.
So nice to hear that you have a good outcome, you must be so pleased. Will post when I have more news. Jane
Well done jobristol, I am on waiting list for the same thing, did you feel apprehensive before you had it done?
I've been on a wait list for flutter ablation for over 12 months. I've even reverted naturally and stayed in NSR for 6 months during this time.
I am apprehensive to the extent that i keep toying with getting myself removed off the list and pushing for another cardioversion. I was offered originally to treat flutter & fibrillation on the same day, but i resisted and went down the flutter only route to begin with
Jondeanp I’d been in NSR for about 2-3 months before ablation and was really thinking about whether I should go ahead but when I was on the table as soon as they inserted catheters I went into flutter so it was obviously lurking in the background waiting to start at any time. So I was glad I went ahead.
Thanks Jo. How long was it after the op before you were up and about
I was up walking 3 hours after the procedure, went out for a 5 minute slow walk the day after and just built up each day. Groin felt a little sore for about a week. Can now walk as normal and as much as I want although can still feel quite tired at times. Intend on trying some cycling at gym next week but will give it some more time before trying running. Was told to wait 2 months before returning to spinning classes and then to take it very easy at first. Anything else you want to know just ask.