Help - gone into AF at 4am supposed t... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Help - gone into AF at 4am supposed to catch flight at midday to Portugal should I go

gemsmum profile image
15 Replies

Went into Af at 4am, took two 1.25 Bisoprolol as I take them as PIP and I am on Apixaban. Should I go on holiday, I am insured for AF, so nervous which is making me worse. Has anyone flown whilst in AF, and am worried about needing a wee so often on the plane. Thanks for any help, Heather

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gemsmum profile image
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15 Replies
wendicarro profile image


You will be fine! just breathe and relax, overthinking everything will def make you feel worse as I have done it myself. Have flown back from Spain in AF and I am fine.

Take your meds as prescribed and drink plenty of water during the flight distract yourself if you can but def go and enjoy yourself hun, don't let AF rule your life.

You go and have a lovely time!

Wendi x

Gosh..this is a difficult one but i see Wendi has just given you some positive advice. I suppose it all boils down to how fast your heart is and how long your attacks normally last. If they are paroxysmal then probably ok.

Also by the time of your flight at midday you will probably be all wee'd out!!

I haven't flown for over 25 years so not much hope for me flying in AF. Sea travel for me.

Hope all goes well.


Polski profile image

Do you mean that you are insured or you are not? If you are, and you are used to managing your AF, then relax and go.

If you're not, then going on holiday abroad may be unwise, but make sure you at least have an EHIC. Your current AF is all caused by, or at least aggravated by, the anxiety. (Been there, done that) You'll be fine once you get there (but avoid the usual triggers when you're there like getting dehydrated, or lots of alcohol). We manage AF, not let it rule us! Once you've made up your mind and got going, you'll probably be fine!

gemsmum profile image

Thanks for replies I am still in Af but going to have breakfast now, awake all night. I am insured for AF so no problems there. Taxi is coming at 9.30am so think we are going, at least to the airport!! My episodes come about twice a year and can last anything from 6 hours to 2 days.

Jollies profile image

Keep hydrated and have a positive mindset. Try to relax! I am always in af and manage to fly, normally short haul, am flying long haul soon and so the words of advice you have been given, I hope I follow myself! X

I'd have stayed at home a while back if I'd been you, but the more I've done with AF and nothing's gone wrong, the bolder I've got.

Is AF really the fetter we think it is when it first intrudes into our lives? I rather think people say yah boo, it's not going stand in my way and I'm going to enjoy life.

Andyt36 profile image

As scary as it is, and I do not know what else goes on with u medically. I find that when I have gotten AF, I tense up the more tense the longer the episode, accept, try and relax focus on your destination have a lovely time.

Always difficult to advise, but so many folk fly, sail and drive with AF and I know I wouldn't let AF stop me if I had adequate insurance for back up. If you go, as I suspect you will, avoid all alcohol and drink lots of water, not just on the plane! Eat wisely, but Pastel de Natas are fine (little custard tarts) as confirmed by Relim.....have a lovely time and don't worry, you will be fine.......

JaneFinn profile image

Oh I'm so sorry to hear this Gemsmum :( What rotten timing. I haven't any experience of flying with AF but wanted to send my love and best wishes. Praying for you that it stops superquick and you can enjoy the flight and the holiday xx

Izzle profile image

I've flown a few times with AF either starting before the flight or during the flight. I think it's important you understand YOUR AF condition.

Do you get any other side affects apart from a slight drop in BP, ie arm or chest pain, sweating etc., you know the normal heart attack signs or if you've ever blacked out due to AF. If you do have any of these I wouldn't go.

I'm lucky in that I only get a drop in BP, so I relax and take things easy, keep up your fluids. My GP and heart specialist have approved of my judgement in this matter. They even approve of me driving. I take regular flights of 3 to 5 hours from NZ to Aus.

PS: Don't worry about frequently needing the bathroom, just get up and go (be sure to replace those fluids).

Good luck


cuore profile image

I flew from Vancouver, British Columbia to Bordeaux, France while in persistent atrial fibrillation.

Keep hydrated less booze pills as prescribed I use these guidelines and go. Happened to me on hol so had to fly back enjoy if you go

Fastbeat profile image

I've flown long haul to Australia alone quite a few times, either with AF before or during flight ,just treat it the same as when at home, relax ,drink plenty of water,watch a film, listen to music ,read or have a snooze,I am sure all will be fine and enjoy your holiday.Dont let AF rule your life.

WendyWu20 profile image

I worried about exactly the same thing on a plane! I've been in AF while flying but fortunately seemed not to need the loo too often. The main problem I've had is carrying luggage as it made me feel really ill while my heart was struggling. Now my partner carries my luggage or we get a trolley. I just take my time walking around the airport, and try to sleep on the plane. I've flown four times this year, gone into AF once the night before, once in the airport on the return flight, and at least once during every holiday week. But determined not to let this condition rule my life! Good luck and hope you have a nice time :o)

I know you've probably gone by now, so hope you're having fun. Just to say that I went on holiday twice this summer and both times I had a week of AF chaos before I went, even though I felt pretty cool about the trip, but immediate calm as I set off which lasted all holiday and beyond. Interestingly, the same af storm happened leading up to a party for my birthday which disappeared the moment the party was cancelled.

A helpfully post for all of us who maybe find the anticipation of good things more stressful than we think...

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