Hi, New & first time here, concerned about my Husband, who has recently been diagnosed with AF, approx 2 weeks and 3 days ago, and he's STILL in AF , he has not flipped out of it, after all this time. The hospital and doctors don't seem to share any concern or to see the urgency to get him sorted. Have had 2 trips to A and E and he's been sent home each time, ECG show a rate of between 91 and 160. GP said they will do a referral to an AF clinic but there is a wait for the appointment.
Neither of us want him to have a Stroke and reading on BHS website, he is at risk of one.
He has been given Bisoprolol 5mg but these are having no effect, the GP know this and just says he is on the right medication.
Don't know which way to turn, and due to go on holiday in 27 days.
Thanks in advance