after now two years and trying to move a clot in my heart with warfarin, they are considering surgery. My breathlessness is more severe and disabling even to get up to go into the kitchen to wash up. I take digoxin and warfarin and another indapamide which is for HP. When I last spoke to my cardiologist he said that my breathlessness was caused by my high heart rate. My heartrate is between 75--100bpm. I do not consider this to be high. I am now pondering if the culprit is the clot in my heart. There is no doubt that my heart is irregular . The last tablet (Verapamil) raised my heart rate after he said it would lower it, so that was a none starter. I have just got my GP to write as this needs to be moved along - I hope. Does anyone have an opinion on this?
what is really causing my symptoms. - Atrial Fibrillati...
what is really causing my symptoms.

It looks as if we are either out of our depth here or have missed this as it has dropped out of sight because there are quite a few topics on the go!
I hope someone has experienced similar and has some wise words to share.

My only thought is that there are good clot busting drugs so why persists with warfarin which should prevent a clot from forming but to my understanding would not break one up?
As far as I know the warfarin is try and get the clot to reabsorb. As he is concerned to try the safest way first but I am thinking I might not make it ,or maybe I am wrong (I hope!)
Buy green bananas and be optimistic! But you have been waiting for ages for this to improve.
Sorry but I think the science is wrong but then I'm not a doctor just an engineer. ha ha. I would have thought that two years was proof enough frankly.
🚀 is needed, for the medics, not the clot! Best wishes 💕
Patients with clots usually thrombolised to break up clots don't understand why two years down the line you have clot in heart??
It took nearly a year for my clot to be reabsorbed. Had to keep INR at 3.5 with warfarin. 2 years is too long.
You may want to review the use of digoxin. There are alternatives which are less problematic. Digoxin is something that needs to be avoided. Take care.
Hey there, I am not sure about the blood clot issue but could there be something else going on with your heart? Have they run any further tests on you? I have a severe relaxation abnormality of my left ventricle. This causes me to have shortness of breath doing the simplest of tasks such as making my bed, walking and talking at the same time, sorting laundry , bending over, etc. Because of the abnormality which they say they cannot cure, I have stage III heart failure and pulmonary hypertension. I also have an electrical issue called a left bundle branch block, it is not a blockage of my artery, it's electrical issue. Anyway all of this was figured out once they did a heart cath, while I peddled a bike and did an ultrasound at the same time so they could see exactly what happens when I exert myself. They said the moment I lifted my leg up to the pedal my pulmonary pressures increased. I had other test done where I just laid there on the table and they weren't seeing the results that they really needed to see until I exerted myself. This test was done at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester Minnesota . I have also taken verapamil prior to that test and it wasn't doing anything to help me so they told me to stop it. In January 2016 I had a biventricular CRT device implanted, it's a three lead pacemaker they were hoping would help my worsening symptoms from the left bundle branch block and give me a better quality of life. Unfortunately it hasn't improved anything. I was also having issues with constant PVCs, PACs that seem to have gotten worse after I had my surgery. in September 2016 the reports from my pacemaker were showing I was having ventricular tachycardia at times. My heart rate would get up to 180. Although it didn't last for a long period of time it definitely wasn't something they liked to see. So they put me back on verapamil and it honestly made a big difference for me as far as that goes. They recently turned off the device they implanted since it hasn't been helping me and I go back to the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville Florida on May 1 to discuss the removal of it. Since they've turned it off I've been having this weird symptom. Maybe somebody reading this has had it as well. I get this, I don't know how to describe it well but like this deep flutter in my chest and it feels like 1000 butterflies are inside me. I get short of breath and I feel this almost impending doom feeling, like I start to feel a panic and then it'll settle down and go away. It's not a panic attack but it creates a bit of panic when it's happening. So I just got hooked up to a heart monitor to wear for a week and hopefully they'll see everything going on. It may also determine whether they take out my device or not. This is a new symptom I've never felt before. I'm not gonna lie, I don't like it. Anyway I will be praying for you that you figure out what's going on or I should say that the doctors figure out what's going on and give you the best course of treatment. Shortness of breath sucks whenever you're trying to do the basic things of life. Hope you get answers!
I think I have had all the tests available,stress, ECG,exercise, blood ,x-rays, echocardiograph and three TOE (transosphagealechocardigraph) All these have shown that except for the clot my heart is in good condition with no heart failure, no heart disease. I will have to wait now to see my cardiologist and grill him further as to what they plan.
Take care
Good luck!! Hope you get the answers you need and feel better!!