This might be useful to newcomers as well as the rest of us!
The glossary of medical terms and phrases is the most complete online source devoted exclusively to Atrial Fibrillation and is the largest single source online.
This might be useful to newcomers as well as the rest of us!
The glossary of medical terms and phrases is the most complete online source devoted exclusively to Atrial Fibrillation and is the largest single source online.
Thank you so much for sharing this.. I am new to afib and already feel a little bit better after reading the website. So much more to learn about this.
I felt so lost/confused when afib first became part of my life. There was SO much to learn, and it wasn't going to happen overnight. Part of the learning involved vocabulary, which is where this glossary would come in handy.
Good luck to you. The people at this site are very sharing with thoughts, ideas, suggestions, etc, so don't be shy about asking questions.
Imagine what it was like all those years ago (14) before AF Association when there was nothing on the web . One felt so alone and people looked WTF is AF? when you mentioned it. The main reason I am still here helping as I know how scared I was.
Very usefiul to have so much info in one place - thanks for the link.
Thanks barbara, just be aware this is a US site, and does not always accord with what we do or promote in the UK,
For example under CHA2DS-Vasc it mentions treating with aspirin for a score of one, which is not in accordance with NICE guidelines, they miss out Apixiban wonder why? and their entry for Pradaxa ( dabigitran) appears to have been written by the manufactourer.
But it is certainly comprehensive in many ways
Be well