Hi all, I was cardioverted last friday ive now got this odd ecg showing af
Odd ecg: Hi all, I was cardioverted... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Odd ecg
The beats are irregular. Don't worry -early days. Your heart will do lots of grumbling and strange things as it repairs. It takes up to 6 months to fully recover.
Importantly you have P wave below the yellow AF label. It seems to me that it is only doublets of PACs (premature atrial complexes) and not AF. Even the heart rate is to slow for AF.
Hope this isnt outside the guidelines but I had a double pqrs like this years ago and it was called atrial bigeminy. Apparently there was no significance to it, it resolved itself and never came back again.
just check it gets better each day and only worry if it gets worse. Your poor heart has just had a traumatic experience and is recovering
You are using Kardia. It shows you are in a fib with good HR but irregular beats however long it lasts. Do you feel it? Some people with AF are asymptomatic and don't know they have it. In anyway have it checked with your doctor. It would be a bad idea to self diagnose based on this.