I see a lot of comments Flutter cause afib. EP says I'm paroxysmal. I'm on flec 100x2, altenolol 50x1. How do I know if it's Flutter or afib. Aren't the episodes the same
Flutter vs afib: I see a lot of... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Flutter vs afib

Good question, I'm wondering same
Hi Gracie...no they are not the same. Flutter is a fast but regular rate showing up as saw tooth waves on the ECG
Atrial fibrillation is an irregular usually fast rate.i liken it to morse code
Both can be treated with ablation, flutter being easier to ablate as it is performed in the right atrium .It has a considerably higher success rate and is quicker procedure.
The certain way is by ECG but usually AFlutter is fast and regular at around 110-130bpm whereas AF is usually irregular - slowing, speeding, pausing and this can be felt in the pulse. We are all different in how we react but I can feel flutter like a fast drumbeat and AF like a bag of ferrets in my chest.
Both flutter and AF carry the risk of stroke.
Interesting. My episodes go between 130 down to 100. Probably afib since goes up and and then reads normal and starts all over again. Thanks
Our medical director who is an EP explained that AF often appears after flutter is ablated- it's not that it causes the AF but it has been masked previously- quite interesting - so many people had posted that they started with flutter which then changed to AF but it seems it is just allowed to operate once the flutter is dealt with
Remember, that Flecainide can also cause A Fib to convert to Flutter. I was nearly ablated for flutter which showed on an ECG, which would have been a waste of time. After I was ablated for AFib and stopped the Flecainide, the flutter never reappeared.