Well after 11hrs of lovely NSR have just slipped into AF again following the cardioversion this morning... so depressed.
Will it work (part three) no it didn't - Atrial Fibrillati...
Will it work (part three) no it didn't

So disappointing! Many of us have been there. Your cardiologist may well offer you alternatives such as a drug like Amiodarone which can help prolong NSR following a Cardioversion and or a referral to an EP if you haven't already had one. Best wishes
I really feel for you. Don't despair AF is a long journey you'll get there in the end. What it has shown you is that life is better for you in sinus so preserve to find the solution.
Sorry to read your latest bulletin Roy, I know you are peed off, but it really isn't the end of the road even though it may feel like it. Wait and see what your EP has to say, the fact that you reverted with one attempt and stayed in rhythm for a while will be helpful. Best wishes, John

Thanks John it's at times like this that you apprecaite this site and the people that make it so helpful. Roy
i believe you have said previously that you were worried the CV might make your position worse if it failed...it is my understanding that there is no evidence of that being the case.....hope that helps
My heart now is between 75 and 85 bmp much as it was before. Perhaps a little more but I feel stressed about it and that doesn't help blood pressure fine and apart from the bitter disappointment I didn't stay in NSR longer I feel ok, no pain no dizziness...just gutted. Roy
Sorry to hear that Roy. I was very disappointed when mine lasted 8 days.
I'd be interested in what your EP says as I'm in the same boat.
Oh, what bitter disappointment! While it all helps to paint a clearer picture, it isn't the picture you wanted. So tantalising - though better than having failed attempts and no joy at all.
But 11 hours is a good spell - isn't it just minutes or less sometimes and that gets chalked up as a success.
Well nothing ventured nothing gained. For some the journey a wee bit longer but each setback provides more information and plans. Keep positive night
I suppose tomorrow is another day. Night night Roy
Sorry to hear that Roy. I'll just have a little swear quietly at home for you, cos it's sooo annoying!
What now, do you know? Perhaps an ablation?
Hi Jean. Thanks for swearing for me. Lol I have a follow up meeting with the hospital in two weeks. I suppose because I have few symptoms with my AF there is a good argument not to intervene. Yes I have an irregular HB but other than that I am able to carry on pretty much normally. Decisions decisions. Lol I am AC Apixiban and 1.25 biso x Daily that keeps my pulse rate around the 70 to 80 mark. It's obvious I can be converted so the temptation is to go for an Ablation. Cheers Roy
Sorry to hear that there really should be better treatments for this dam thing or even a cure would be good.There are so many people whose QOL is being badly effected by this condition I hope your EP can help.
Mine lasted 5 days but although I was disappointed the EP said it was only done as a diagnostic tool to enable an ablation which is more lasting to be done, so I expected it to revert to AF
Roy mine lasted not even two days. I feel your pain.
hi there roy i know how you must feel! i was the same . i had three cardios at different times and sooner than later youre back to square one.go all out for a catheter ablation you will feel like youve been reborn good luck