After being diagnosed with AF 3 years ago I soon gave up caffeine in tea and coffee as well as tonic water as they appeared to act as triggers. I've recently changed medication from Bisoprol beta blockers to a drug called Tildiem. My episodes of af seem to have increased since but the only factor common appears to be RED WINE. Anyone else? I was OK before change of tablets but didn't like the side effects of bisoporol.
Red Wine: After being diagnosed with AF... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Red Wine

Hi Geacie.....most folk here are of the view that any alcohol is generally not helpful with AF, but all things in moderation. I have no experience of Tildiem, but I didn't get on well with Bisoprolol either. I guess if Tildiem is generally better for you, then, sad as it might be, stay off the red wine to see if it makes a difference.......if it does, the ultimate decision is yours!! I think you should also bear in mind that AF is often, but not always, a progressive condition.
All the best......John
Hi geacie1274 , in case you weren't aware, Tildiem is one of the brand names for Diltiazem, which is a calcium channel blocker so acts slightly differently to Bisoprolol which, as you know, is a beta blocker. Perhaps this is why you're now getting problems with red wine, although some people are affected by even a small amount of alcohol and have had to give it up altogether, which does take the fun out of life a bit.
Sorry to hear about your AF. I gave up everything alcoholic, with the exception of a glass of red wine. I am on Bisoprolol/Digoxin mixture. I had to give even the red wine up three weeks ago after a particularly bad spell. Now tee-total. Trying toxonvince myself it will be for the best........the one I really miss is my Gin and Tonic
My EP said to avoid all alcohol

And mine (in the U.S.) said alcohol is okay in moderation. Doesn't seem to trigger my AF at all.
I was in diltiazem before my ablation and got on very well with it. I also drink red wine, just a glass or so a day, and it didn't affect it. I gave up all alcohol for a month once to try it out and it had no impact.
A lot of AFers, including me, find that red wine is the worst. Beer, bourbon ( in moderation, of course), no problem; red wine- problem.