Scared to take Flecainide: Hello. Was... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Scared to take Flecainide

Lizie-Loo2013 profile image
23 Replies

Hello. Was diagnosed with Af in May this year. Controlled with Bisperol, taking apixaban and amlodopine.

Have been given Flecainide as pill in pocket but am so worried about taking it in case it drops my heart rate too low.

My family can't understand my fear and think I'm silly not to take it when required.

Opinions please!

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Lizie-Loo2013 profile image
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23 Replies
Rellim296 profile image

Surely Flecainide sorts out the heart's rhythm and doesn't alter the rate? It is a powerful drug and can work wonderfully well - like magic. I was told to take a small amount, eg 50mgs, to start with and another 50mgs an hour later if needed. When I took it every day I was taking 300mgs a day.

Have you had any instructions?

It should be taken on an empty stomach.

A low heart rate is a bad thing if it makes you feel ill or wobbly but many people function well with a rate that is technically low.

Lizie-Loo2013 profile image
Lizie-Loo2013 in reply to Rellim296

Thank you rellim for your speedy reply.

Was told to take 50 mg an hour after onset of an attack.

But no advice as to what to expect, or even to take them on an empty stomach.

After reading the leaflet in the box of tablets I worried even more!

Know I'm being silly but the unknown I find quite scary!

So glad there are all the kind people on here that take time and interest to help us worriers! 😊

Rellim296 profile image
Rellim296 in reply to Lizie-Loo2013

We are all different, but what usually happens to me is that I'll wake with AF. I leave it for an hour and then I'll take 50mgs of flecainide. An hour and quarter later the AF might have stopped. If not I have to decide whether to take another 50 or to have breakfast and take more when it is getting closer to lunch. That doesn't usually happen as the AF has usually gone by then. If I do take more before breakfast, the AF will have gone within ten minutes and I never know if the extra bit tipped the balance or if I didn't need it.

You are right, in my view, to be slightly cautious about flecainide but not taking it exposes you to the disadvantages of your heart running out of control in a wild, disorganised way.

fallingtopieces profile image
fallingtopieces in reply to Lizie-Loo2013

I'm definitely a worrier and have also been prescribed Flecainide as a PIP but am a bit afraid to take it should I need to. Luckily I haven't needed to yet.

Reading somewhere that the first one should be taken in a hospital environment, I've told myself if I needed to take one I would take the first one in A + E, so as to be near help should I need it.

I am not on Bisoprolol but my heart rate is naturally low now and can go into the 40's when relaxed.


CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply to fallingtopieces

The first time I took it my GP supervised me at the surgery - which was well equipped. He kept me there for an hour after I took the first dose - he had a special interest in Cardiac and had been a cardiologist - sadly now retired.

pottypete1 profile image

I am on Flecainide and in addition I take it as a pill in the pocket when my heart goes into AF.

For example today I went into AF this morning I took the extra Flecainide.

Right now I am still waiting for it to work.

As long as you are doing it with your doctor's guidance you should have nothing to worry about.

Best wishes


pottypete1 profile image

And yes Flecainide is for rhythm not rate

Biggles22 profile image

50 - 200mg is used as pill in the pocket. It doesn't affect heart rate, only rhythm as stated.

shadski profile image

I Was originally put on Bisperol I had problems with that making me tired and slowing my heart rate down way to low. I was switched to Flecainide specifically because it doesn't slow my heart rate. I am taking it daily. I was told you can take up to 300 mg. of Flecainide a day.

meadfoot profile image

Don't be scared Lizzie Loo. Thus drug can really help. I have taken it at 100mg twice a day. Now take it as pill in the pocket as and when needed instead. It controls the rhythm not a rate control drug. Best wishes.

Lizie-Loo2013 profile image

Thank you all you kind, lovely people for your knowledge and advice.

Am about to put my faith in this, hopefully, wonder tablet!

Wishing you all a happy and healthy Christmas.

Tyson4ever profile image

The first time I took flecanide I was in the cloud forest in Peru, had no other option as was at least 4hrs by car from any medical facilities. It worked eventually and because of the circumstances there was no point in worrying,

Bagrat profile image

I take regular flecainide. It was not started in hospital and all was well. These are strong drugs and I understand your concern but the vast majority of folk manage very well with it. Like any drug it might not be the right one for you but for me it has been a great help preventing AF.

Have a relaxing time at Christmas and let someone else do the worrying.

Doctors don't want to cause problems so am sure they choose meds carefully. Incidentally, when I first started flecainide I asked three different pharmacists ( including one at the hospital) about taking it on an empty stomach and none thought it was necessary . I'm guessing it's to avoid a slower absorption but take my morning one an hour before breakfast and the evening one five mins before evening meal!!

Best wishes WendyB

My understanding of Flecainide is that is best for people in their 60's without any other heart conditions i.e. Lone AF. I have no idea how it interacts with your other meds as I just take Flec. It reduced my pulse by 5 points to 55 despite it being billed as just a rhythm drug.

I would suggest you need to check with your cardiologist if your pulse is already low as Flec is usually accompanied by what they call a Channel Blocker (if I remember rightly) but my cardio said as my pulse was already low and as I was fine otherwise he thought a CB would lower my pulse more and make me feel unwell. As I haven't had AF now for a couple of years I asked if I could go on PIP but he favours the regular daily dose to keep things even.

Hope something in there helps, good luck.

TenorJK profile image

Have taken Flecainide for over 8years it is for rhythm not rate, funnily enough it was the Apixaban and Bisoprolol that I couldn't stand so now I have Warfarin and Flecainide only. You will have realised by now that we all have varying opinions and reactions to medications, its trial and error unfortunately. Best Wishes Jo

Jomama profile image

I have paroxysmal afib and just saw a new EP yesterday for a second opinion. My first EP had me on a calcium channel blocker and wanted to put me on 50mg twice daily of Flecainide. She lowered my calcium channel blocker by half and I filled the Flecainide script but got totally freaked out when I read the warnings on the label...particularly the "sudden death" part! My EP assured me that Flecainide, although powerful, is a safe drug as long as you have not had a previous heart attack or have any blockages. She told me she had pregnant patients that take it either for themselves or for an irregular heartbeat in the fetus! I went for a second opinion today with another EP and after talking with him I elected not to take it and I scheduled an ablation. He thinks that I would probably feel unwell on the pills particularly because I have a super low heart rate and I'm tired already. I don't want to take these drugs all my life; I'd love to get off of blood thinners eventually and not have to take anti-arrithymics. It's a personal choice and even though I am scared of the procedure I'm hoping it's successful and I can put this behind me and get off of all these drugs eventually. I'm only 60 and it's only going to get worse as afib can be a progressive condition. I usually opt for the less invasive way, but because these drugs are so powerful and the afib can be so stressful and sometimes so debilitating, I don't want to put a bandaid in the problem; i'd like to tackle it head on be done with it (hopefully). Many people are very satisfied with Flecainide and it works well for them for many years. You have to do what you think is the best route. Just didn't want to be on pills for the rest of my life! Good luck with your decision...I hope I didn't confuse you even more!

Yachtgirl profile image
Yachtgirl in reply to Jomama

I totally understand your position. Metropolol slowed my already slow pulse too far . Sotolol was the cause of a collapse and short stay in hospital. My doctor wanted me to take Bisoprolol, I declined. I also declined Flecanide. I have only had one documented episode of AF and that was three years ago so I have decided not to take anticoagulants unless I have another AF episode. I have had three 24-48 hour Holter monitors not showing any AF. I do have many ectopics though and at times they are very unnerving. I would choose ablation over drugs, I may need to do that in the future.

I have a real aversion to pills due to many adverse effects in the past. I am 66 yrs old with no other health issues.

Best wished for Christmas.

in reply to Yachtgirl

I also have an aversion to meds as I seem to react badly to many of them,,,,at age 69 only one documented Afib episode 11 months ago.But have switched drugs 3 times already as most beta blockers and channel blockers cause me multiple problems like swollen feet,chest constriction etc,,,,metropolol is where I am now BUT am told I might need a pacemaker as this causes bradycardia with a pulse of 48-50 and I feel unwell,,,,I feel I am in a world controlled by doctors who have no clue that quality of life is important to me,,,,I do take warfarin with no complications and am thankful for that!

Lizie-Loo2013 profile image
Lizie-Loo2013 in reply to Jomama

Hello Jo

Thanks for your reply.

Yes we seem to "rattle" with all the tablets that we take!

I m 60 and did nt have to take any med s - was fit and healthy, always charging around - until Af hit!

So overwhelming to suddenly be reliant on 3 medications a day.

But for now I ll grin and bear it and get my head around ablation a bit further down the road. 😊

afibtennis profile image

I have used flecainide for 18 months and it has gotton me out of 6 episodes within 90 minutes. I am an athlete and have low BP to start with. So far, no experience with BP going TOO low.

Lizie-Loo2013 profile image


I often look back and think one day I was a healthy 60 year old. No medical condition, active - 6 grandchildren to run around with and enjoy.

And then in a day Af arrived and turned me into a slowed down version of myself taking 3 lots of medication a day!

But the tablets are doing their job - most of the time - so must be content and take them x 😊

Borgmeister1 profile image

Take Flecainide daily, only trouble is teatime dozing and only four or five hour nights as a result! Need to review all meds soon, and resume aspirin. INR measurement tedious!! As I was on warfarin for two years in previous decade.

OldSarge profile image

I have been on it for over two years. I seem to tolerate it well. I started at 50mg twice a day, recently increased to 100mg twice a day. The biggest side effect I can report is being tired. My heart rate has been staying around 54 beats per min. I also will take 25mg between doses if I have a strong or prolonged Afib event. I chew it so it gets into me system faster. About an hour later that blessed feeling of a normal rate returns. I am hoping for ablation soon, and I will make sure to ask my EP if I can stay on it for the duration of the healing period. If not, I guess I will be in that place so many of you are after the procedure and will have to endure.

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