To all uk nhs users - please consider giving feedback. I was just saying to someone praising the service in wales to do this, assuming the information will be utilised to bring everyone up to the standard of the highest, perhaps by implementing the practices they might use.
I have submitted my own feedback with the encouragement of the patient experience team. I had held off for months because i was afraid my emotions might get in the way. I did alert my ep and to my amazement not only was he not against me raising my concerns but was very grateful, particularly as my main suggestion was to have a go-between - an arrhythmia nurse. Turns out he has been doing his damnedest for years to get these but is told they can't spare the wages for them, so patients suggesting the same is the thing that might tip this in everyone's favour. Even the strain on the person who was rude to me might be alleviated, to me it's a no-brainer. I also raised this forum (not by name) and how much it helps people - surely there is a wealth of feedback to be gained from its users?
So please - give some feedback - positive as well as negative - how will they raise standards where needed if they don't know more about the experience of the people who use this otherwise wonderful institution? I personally feel like a weight has been lifted from me, even without anything being done as yet, i feel better for getting it out of my system. Moaning to my loved ones and venting on here did not shift it.
Think of how frightened etc you have been yourself - would your feedback that if you'd had an arrhythmia nurse to go to have helped you help to put some in place in your part of the country and that that might help someone who comes after you - wouldn't that help just a little? The possibility of it has lightened me.
Just the process of writing and sending it has helped me, god knows i would not wish my experience on anyone else, and i had support, but still was almost over the edge, i can't believe now looking back at the state i was in. Please contribute and maybe make it better for someone else in the future.
I have asked to be told of if /how my suggestions/info might be implemented/used and i will report back once i know anything.