Some people asked for an update following my post about the AF related stroke that I had on 6th July. It has left me partially sighted, and I'm overcoming the functional holes in my memory. Looking at my daily stats and activity on that day there was nothing that indicated a stroke was likely. I was discharged 31 hours after the onset of the stroke, that included passing significant blood in the urine after the clot-busting treatment. I was given some printed advice and an appointment for a further CT scan of my head so they could determine whether I could take apixaban, as I am a bleed risk due to haemangioma in my mouth. Today a GP suggested that I should take statins without any reference to my health record - close to death from pulmonary toxicity nearly two years ago - or my last lipid profile.
I had brilliant treatment that saved me from significant diability, but thereafter support and information from the NHS is almost non-existent. If you have doubts about preventative treatment and lifestyle, particularly if you live alone or in a job/community where you need to drive, make those changes now as medically you can be on your own after a stroke.