Warning: Not everyone will want to or probably should read this article, especially if you tend to worry. The management of risks is very dependent on the health team attempting solutions when things go wrong.
Issues in Anticoagulation: Managing t... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Issues in Anticoagulation: Managing the Flow

Hi, I went to have a look but needed a password to log-in. Is that correct?
I have same problem
Thanks for posting this link. Most interesting. As I'm taking Rivaroxaban (and aspirin) I'm thinking now I should how a medic alert bracelet engraved. Particularly since I'm travelling soon.
Has anyone else done this, and if so what do you have put on the bracelet ?
When you get in touch with medic alert they guide you through it all. Basic conditions, and the membership number they give you and their contact telephone number. Medic alert keep more detailed info. (Which you have to keep up to date!) so whoever contacts them is then given the info.
Do you not get a card when on NOACs to carry around as you do with Warfarin?
My hubby thought the same thing and bought an 'Apixaban medicated' flexible wrist band from Amazon, they do a rivaroxaban one too.
You can purchase identification things from theidbandco.com. Their service is excellent.
Hi Ozlynda, I got a lovely expanding bracelet from JS Jewellery, online, it reads "taking Rivaroxaban" I think it cost around £12 but it's very stylish and can be worn when your all dressed up
G'day MammaCass, that's very interesting. I've ordered another which might reach me in time, but a dressy one would be good. Are they in England, there's lot's of JS jewellery entries when I google - none seem quite right? Postage to Oz is slow, so I might be able to order from them when I get to UK if I can track them down. Thanks for any help. Lynda
Hi Lynda, their web address is jscjewellery.co.uk I missed the c in my hurry to reply to you sorry. On the first page about half way down, right hand column it says any condition engraved. I had taking Rivaroxaban on mine. It's stainless steel with a gold band edge, the price has gone up a bit since I bought mine but it is a good looking bracelet you can wear with anything. They do also ship world wide at a very reasonable cost. When are you coming to the uk?
That's great, thankyou MammaCass. I've had a look and the bracelet looks very smart, so I'll follow up later. I'm arriving in London on 20 May and after 1 week in London I'll be visiting various places throughout England for five weeks. The seventh week is Ireland before flying home.
You need a password to read this
I am a CHADS - VASc score 1 and take apixaban. After reading this, I'm likely to stop apixaban. Thanks for posting.
Interesting in the quiz on Warfarin, they say "Answer: B. PT with INR.
Assessment of the degree of anticoagulation in a patient taking oral anticoagulants requires that both the PT and the INR be obtained. Warfarin, a vitamin K antagonist, will result in a prolonged PT and an elevated INR."
But I thought the INR was the standardised PT (Prothrombin Time). I thought that the PT was so highly dependent on circumstances of the local testing equipment, that it was next to useless -- though I have found that many doctors in my country used to NOT know that.
In case any of you missed it, there are 22 pages to read. Hit the arrows on the right of each screen shot.