Hi there all my family of AFs , wanted to know if any of you has had the dreaded lergey that is dong its rounds now? My husband started it in Monday this week I caught it the next day, it is the worst I have known it, couldn't get to the surgery, couldn't leave the loo, surgery very good faxed a perscription to the chemist, and told me to sip water, not drink a lot of it in one go, problem is I take Pradaxa and it says it has to be taken with a glass of water. Today I probably felt a little better UNTIL my husband gave me some soup, now I feel terrible again, any ideas a what I can have when I feel a bit better, to start with food again. Sorry to be a pain but wonder if someone can suggest something thanks Sann
D and v: Hi there all my family of AFs... - Atrial Fibrillati...
D and v

Hi Sann, Hospitals always give people toast after they come round from operations from my experience. Marmite as well if you like it. Small amount at a time. Norovirus usually lasts about three or four days and best just keep hydrated with dioralite or similar till you feel a bit better. Tough luck. Had it once. Didn't enjoy it. Good way to loose weight!
Husband and self had Norovirus on cruise ship last year. Only allowed water , told to drink plenty , until diarrhea stopped. Diarolite (?) satchets allowed. Then plain boiled fish and plain boiled potatoes....delish?! If I was at home I would have had banana and dry toast. No dairy.
Hope you're better soon. ( this was only cruise where we both lost weight !!

It is Dioralyte needed to help restore hydration. One sachet after each run to the loo but no more than five in day. £4.28 for six sachets. I phoned a local pharmacy who deliver in the area and they delivered it to us.
Thanks Seasiders, do you live near the seaside then?
Yes the Sussex (sunshine but windy ) coast.
I got away quite lightly last week while my wife had it really badly. After a doctor from 111 called me back at 4am he told me to phone for an ambulance for her as he thought from the extreme pain she had might be from an obstruction. The paramedic thought otherwise and spoke to another doctor who agreed with her.
Strange the first thing my wife ate was a slice of bread with Marmite though it took an hour for her to eat it

Thanks Sandra, it makes you feel so weak doesn't it? Sann
Bad luck. Basmati rice cooked in marigold vegetable stock as a kind of soup works for me as a first meal. Don't drain it - sip the rice stock with the rice. Hope you feel better soon. If you drink water have it room temperature.