I had my procedure 10 days ago and since then have been extremely breathless even when walking along flat, level surfaces. I was never this breathless before the procedure, is this normal?
PVI and PAF Ablation: I had my... - Atrial Fibrillati...
PVI and PAF Ablation

Yes. Just because you don't have a big zip up the front does not mean that your heart hasn't had a good kicking. Give it time to recover. I am sure that they will have told you that it take at least three months for things to settle down and you will have some funnies for a while yet. Don't push yourself!
10 days is very soon to expect to be back to normal. It may take some months before you will notice an improvement, as Bob says, give your heart some time to recover, it is a muscle which has been through a lot recently and needs some loving care and attention in order for healing.
Breathlessness can be a sign that you are not getting enough oxygenated blood so your body is telling you to slow down a bit, listen to it? General rule of thumb when walking is to be able to walk and talk without feeling breathless.
Hi. For people who have suffered AF but been otherwise fit and healthy Ie no history of stroke or heart attack, an ablation can come as quite a shock. My problem for weeks after the procedure was not being able to climb stairs. I felt like a real old man ( some say I am already!) weak and breathless after relatively little exertion. The heart is simply telling you to wait while it recovers. We are all different, but it took me the best part of 3 months to get back to normal activities. As Bob says don't be fooled by the lack of a scar as you have had a major procedure. Even the anasthetic alone can take a while to recover from. Take your time, and you should see a gradual improvement in stamina and the breathlessness. Of course, raise any issues when you have any follow up, but don't worry too much at this early stage.
I remember after my 2nd ablation not even being able to laugh after my ablation as I was so bruised, when my other half was trying to cheer me up I seriously had to tell him to stop. I was so sore after, I also felt like I had a chest infection and I couldn't get my breath properly, apparently this can also be due to the fact that when they burn it is quite close to your chest, as I remember during the surgery the feeling/tasting of the burning up through my throat? Has anyone else had this? (I had a lot a later and they found it hard to keep me sedated)
Thankfully after two weeks I was back fine
Wish you the best Dee xx
Hi Dee....how soon after your first ablation did you have your second? How did you know...did you go back into afib? My first ablation was 5 months ago and I get daily reminders.....just little weird "runs" that last couple seconds that remind me of my heart and whatever .........I know for many two ablation are common........hoping not for me but a bit concerned. Will get monitor if it continues or gets worse. Thanks
My first ablation was Jan 2015 and second November 2015.
I only needed two as they aborted the first procedure during it as they found out I had something different to what they originally thought and it was quite rare. Had medications trialed but did not work. So ablation was the only option. I don't have AF but have a form of atrial tachycardia in the right and left side of the upper chambers. It is still a form of SVT but not straightforward one if this makes sense xx
I had my ablation 4 days ago and am much more breathless than I was before it. So it's good to know that's normal. Thanks for raising the question and also for the replies.
Thank you all for your replies - I guess I was expecting miracles by being able to get back to normal within a few days, as I did after my angiogram. Rest is the order of the day