Went to my daughters 50 th birthday party last night someone set off one of those party popper things scared me heart went straight into AF so there is another trigger grrrr
Party popper: Went to my daughters 5... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Party popper
My girlfriends dodgy driving set me in AF, luckily i was cardioverted back a couple of days ago so all good for now,
That must be adrenaline.
Yes, it would be.
I've posted on here before how I was woken up in the early hours some years back , pre ablations, by the loud ring of my bedside phone. I straight away went into fast AF & eventually ended up in AE and electrically cardioverted.
I wonder if you can be shocked out of AF by a sudden sound?
That's a good question.
When I was a freshman in high school (age 14) I had a bad case of (loud) hiccups during math class. At one point the teacher stopped what he was doing, addressed me sharply (last name, of course) and told me to go immediately to the Principal's office. It was an all-boys school and the Vice-Principal (no one ever saw the Principal himself) was a former Marine and a boxer, and nobody crossed him without risk of life and limb. Of course, the teacher's order struck fear in my heart. I looked at him in disbelief and he repeated the command. I just sat there dumbly. Then he smiled and said, "they're gone, aren't they?" My hiccups were indeed gone. The rest of the class laughed and we went back to whatever we were doing.
Let's hope it doesn't take being pulled over by the police to reset your clock.