Had cryo ablation 7 months ago felt wonderful for last 6 months then started to feel unwell 2 weeks ago and this week back in AF according to GP. Usually have PAF but now it seems that I have continuous AF for last 3 days. GP says not to take fleicanide PIP unless pulse is over120 it's 100 at the moment. She's requested a 24 hour ECG but won't be done for 3 weeks!!! And she can't refer back to my EP until 24 hour ECG done. Decided to see my EP privately and arranged for next week. My question is can I have cryoblation for a 2 nd time I know the radio frequency ablation can be done more than once. Feel my life is on hold again. so disappointed as I thought it had been successful..
So disappointed: Had cryo ablation... - Atrial Fibrillati...
So disappointed

Hi Sharon I can't comment on crying ablation sadly. I am so sorry to hear you feel poorly and rightly disappointed. It's good younarevseeingnyou Ep privately. I am never sure just how clued up GPs are so best get to the main medic.
I wish you well and hope they soon get you sorted. It's a feindish condition.
Big hugs
Hi Sharon,
Isn't it so disheartening when that happens? I really feel for you, I had cryoblation the first time like you without success, after discussion with my arrhythmia nurse link at hospital I was then put on list for radio frequency ablation, I had that about 10 months after.
My GP wasn't really sure fully about everything but happy to take advice from hospital .
they carried out ECG and began the ball rolling again.
Am however pacemaker dependent now but 100 time better.
Its a long journey but you will get there.
Take care,
Thanks for your concern. Just worried about what the future holds.
I would be interested to know why your GP says not to take Flecainide pip unless heart rate is under 120. I take it below that as my rate rarely tops 100 when in AF.
Re cryo ablation, it would not have worked on me as I have conjoined pulmanory veins entering my heart as a large hole. The cryo balloon is too small for this. I have read that up to 25% of people have this type of plumbing.
I hope that you can solve your arrhythmia problem quickly.

Hi Sharon and sorry that you are back on the slide again.
I suspect that the problem is not so much the four pulmonary veins as another area and for this reason you would most likely need RF ablation next time. Cryo is very good at isolating the four veins because the balloon forms a sphere which usually fills the entrance to each vein unlike RF which needs a "pearl necklace" of tiny burns.
Best see what your EP says but for what it is worth that is my understanding.
Mine took three goes but worth every one these last seven years.
I had to have a second, agree with Bob but can understand how disappointed you are and fearful for the future.
Only time will tell, sounds like you need to speak to someone who can give you information of a way forward more than anything else at the moment.